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VER. Io. Ephefianr,Chap.6. 7'5 he knew would follow them, and puiffant Kings encounter them as they marched to their inheritance. Againe, a Chriftian is borne with his armour on his back, fo that 2. hee can as well ceafe tobe a Chriftian as ceafe to be armed. That which is fabuloufly fpoken of the raceof Gyants, is trulyfpoken of es; we are no fooner borne then we have our fwordsgirded ro us,our fhiclds onour armes,&c. For the Worddoth beget us,Faith is the firft thing formed in us. Now that ive muff havecompleat armour , it is hence manifcft. Becaufe it werein vaine to have force parts covered, and tolie open nf tomortal' wounds inother force. The Devil' is like thofe Champi- ons, who if they cannot wound the head nor the heart, they will prick any part rather then faite. Chriftians then mutt have their compleat harneffe covering them vfe r: from top to toe; whichdoth thew us how unchriftian many are, who knownot, if they fhould fpeake truth, that there is any fuch armour. Like Iitae' whenthere wasnot a Smith, nor a weapon in it : fo is the face ofour Ifraelites, they looke nor (though they havebound them - felves by the Sacrament wbe warriours) after armour. If thou haft not this armour, know the Devil' hath furprifed thee, and holdeth thee as a flave to him. Againe, many forget that they mutt have compleat armour, fuch is as muft cover them all over: and therefore though in fome things they feeme covered,yct Mothers they are without defence. Secondly, we muff marke that he doth not fay, wee mutt have ar- mour, or prepareir, but we mutt put it on : obferve thence, that It is Doer not enough toknow there is fuch'armour , but we muff have it buckled al- walesuponns,inreadineffc by s: wemuft not doeas many , who have wardrobes ofapparell, but they weare them not ; as good have none as ufe it nor. But you will askeme, How may we put it on ! Ifwe doe uncafe us of that whichwill not let it bedrawne upon us: 4nf. for as hee which would put on a new fuit, mutt firft put off his old; fo we. Secondly, we mutt in confcience ofour infirmity pray to God to 2. fit this furniture about us : for, looke as little children, although they haveapparrell, they cannot put it on further then the nude or mother doth make them ready : fo it is with us. Thirdly, we mutt put on theft things by exciting and augmenting 3; them : as for example ; Wouldit thouput on the fhteld offaith ! doe it thus ; I am apoore captive : well, Chrift hath bid mehold him,and he will make me free. I am troubled with lawesof evil': well,Chrift is afar&ifier: every time we renew faith,we put on this fhield. Fourthly, the ufe ofthis armour doth put it on : for betides as in 4: apparel( by ftretching our felves we make it fall toour bodies, thefe graces have this; being exercifed,they increafethe more. This doth rebuke many, yea many that havearmour. Looke, as vfe i. Qgg2 evi