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V E R. io. Epbefiana,Chap.6. flick togo toWifardss ; when the Devill doth wound them,they will fecke tohim for a plaiffer : that cure will be well done,when the mur- dering fpirit mutt play the Surgeon. Nowfollowcth the end, that yee may be able to/land. Two things mutt bee unfolded. r. What this meanes [tofiand?] An(w. Afouldier handing orderly to hi fight, doh neither runforth to his peril!, norretire through conardife ;neither is bea- ten donne through violence. So thathanding , is holding their courfe without hurt received. ...iffauits of the Devillaréof twoforts : forcible or politicke. Now this Text fpeaks ofthofe fubtle stratagems, the word fignifying one principali kinde , (towit) ambufhment, that put for the other: the fenfe thenofthe wordsis,that you may be preferved harmeleffe, not. withstanding the Devill doe praEtice all his flratagerns againfl you. Thus you fee whatis thebenefit ofour Chriftian furniture: it dothput us out ofdanger ; this is tryed proofe, weeneednot feare any that if it bewell buckledunto us : thus Christ being with this harneffed, the Devill could not fatten any thing onhim : for even fome peeces are ofno leffe force, much morethe whole. 2 Pet. r. He that joyneth faith, venue,knowledge (which all is butthe breftplate ofrighteouf- neffe) fhall not fall : Johnfaith, faith (which is but our fhield) is our viEtory. Now if one peece be of fuch ufe, how beneficiall is the wholes Again, in the fats of the Saints it may be feenehow they caught theirwipes, for lack oftheir armour. Which mutt teach us,firfl, to prife and get us this furniture.We fee Yfe t howgoing towarresweefteeme more thenlife fuch an armour as.can fecure us, that we need not take care for gunfhot : how muchmore fhould we count ofthis, which keepeth the life ofGod from being wounded in the foule a Which ifwe were fully clad with, we might fightat the Cannons mouth fecure from danger. 2. It doth let us fee what we muffblame whenwe are wounded; s. our want to our felves innot putting on thisarmour : for henceitwas caufed. a. Wefee that the devil!doth ufe policie in affayling re. Thus from the beginning he (hewed more ofthe Serpent then of the Lion , a Car. r r.3. He did through deceit beguile Evah.t The fa.8.Hisworking is not in all power only,but in alldeceivabletief£eofunrighteoufneffe:he is the father ofcommon Machiavelifine; he knoweth the Lions skin will not come where the Foxes may enter ; and if he were firength without fubtilty,hee were the leffe tobe feared. For whatis the Poets Polyphemus when his eyes are wanting s what is ftrength ifwifdome and policy be wantingor abfents But for our further infl:rui Lion, we muff fearch out what thefe fubtillfiratagems are, wherewithhe doth circumvent us : not that we can findethem all out, but that wemay point at the fountains offurther meditation. Thefe maybe confidered generally, or more particularly. General- ly, hispolicy in fight is, that heobferveth all circumftancesfor his ad- vantage ; as perfon, place, time ; and as he fet upon Christ in the art Q9cl 3 tw