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4 71$ Epbefianr, Chap.6. V ER.IÖ. Defart whenhe was now hungry : the condition of the party , whe- ther inprofperity or in adverfity, relïgious,or otherwife : his weapon, in choofing and ufingofwhichhe bath great skill : and twothings are here remarkable andmofteminent. Firlt, that he will then redouble hisforces, when after God is ready to removehim : as men that be- liege a City, if theyhave intelligence of any power comming to re- move thefiege, they will put forth all their courage, trying if they may make breach or fcalethe wals and enter. Revel. rz. r2. He can fo watch opportunity , that he can be ready tohurt us with our owne weapons. M x Cor.27. hewould have fwallowed up the Corinthi- an in his repentant forrow. Themoreparticularconflitls andafaults, fomeare leffefeene, fome are more openly hoftile. The leffemanifefi afaylingofus is, when he diffembleth hisperfon, or hisftrength : For Satan often commeth in the perfon of a friend , fometimes in an Angels of light, fome- times in the perlons of Saints departed ; and hee is like that policy of the Gibeonites, lsf. 9.9. Like the King of Ifrael who s l íng,an, e. fought with virara in other appareil : or like as if a Man of warre meeting an enemy fhould hang out the fame colours with them, and fet men fpeaking the felfe fame language, and ofthe felfe famehabit with theirenemies, and fo fhould board them and finke themat unawares; thefe therefore mufta little be opened. Firft, bee commethand eloafeth in afriend, infinuating,as ifhe bareus more good will then God,Gen.3. God knoweth ifyour eyes fhould be opened, &c. fo to Chrift, Mailer (pare thy Idle : but marke what Chrift re- plieth, Goe behinde me Satan. Sohe commeth toanother, What ? heebath abufed thee; doe not let him doe thee that wrong , others will be heartened todoe thee the like. So whenhe perfwades cove. toufneffe, You muft have fomething more then this : You have, and mayhave agreatcharge : fotohim that would doublehisdiligence, What need you fo difeafeyour felfee God forbidnone but filchgreat pains takers fhould come toHeaven. Thus he would with a friendly pule, witha loah, kilfc utterly betray us. Secondly, he bath fame- times takenon hint the perfonofan tiingeloflight , in words which he can fpeake good, Marke 1.24. and5.7. Thouart theSon ofGod.The Alts :6.:6. maide with the fpirit ofdivination faith, You are the fervants ofthe molt high God : but he pròfaneth the words, and ufeth them unto evill ends, to win hitnfelfecreditin his lying , or weaken thetruth of them byhisconfelfing: fo in nomine Domini beginneth much wicked- neffe. Secondly, hewill fet us unfeafonably and butte us about good works, and thushedid Martha, Lake to. q.o. making her fobufiein the entertainment, that the had no leifure for the better worke , that whichMarychofe. This is his wickedneffe , and he alwaies doth it either to juftleout abetter worke, or to draw-in with that good fome greaterevill. So inthe Church, many readc often and are thinking ofgoodthings,but the Devill doth draw themto this,that theymight not attendthe workein hand. Thirdly, he will perfwade to evill un- der,