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,VE R..IO, %phefiatta,Chap. 6. 719 der the (hew ofgood : thus he will make us under the pretence of difcretion and moderation, be like thofe whowere neither hot nor cold, fit for nothing but tobe fpucd out of. Gods mouth : He will with a (hewof zealefetch us offto murther, Luke 9. 54. He did the Difciples , and thus he beguileth fuch who will reforme without au- thority, and the Brownifls who beguiled with afalfe fpirit ofzeale, make feparation : foby perfwading providence, he doth fill the heart withcovetoufneflè : foby perfwading perfection, he foileth in will- worfhip : fo thofedatrines ofDevils forbidding meats, marriage, re- ligioufly, arebroachedunder pretenceof chaftity,abftinence; invoca- tionofAngels and doubting, under pretence ofhumility. col.!, and unwritten truths with curious queítions, under pretence ofprofound learning : fuch like doctrine, Revel.z.z4. fo ¡tiled, is called therefore the depth ofSatan. Fourthly,by diffwading that which is truly good, as ifit were a vice : thus repenting, and leading new lives, and taking up the ordersof God, this is new- fangledneffe, and levity : thusdoing any duty that is not fo generally received, it is di(fwaded as fingularity and pride; thus zeale ismadneffe, as in Chrifts praQife cenfured, Mar.3.1I. And Paul wasthought to be mad throughmuch learning : thus the lawful¡ remedy is calumniated as uncleanneffe; dependingon Gods providence is countedtempting him:as in thatexampleofAhaz, Efay 7.12. Particular faith is pride,&c. And thus hedoth fee fine co. lours on foule cloathes , and like anAngell oflight doth beguile us. 3. He taketh on him the perfon of Saints departed : as apparitions for the confirmation of erroneous doctrines,doe fullyalive us. Thefecond ¡effe apparent alien is, his di(fembling of his fireagth; fometime elevating, le(feninghispower : as whenourLord hath toy- led him in us , he will makeas if he were eafily withftood that we might after a fort command him,that thenwe might waxe fecure,and bebetrayed. a. By diffembled flight, like the ftratagemufed, /of 7 ladezo. Hewill feemeas fled, but then he playeth the Parthian, he fighteth moft dangeroufly : Thus many that have beene prodigal", given to women,are Brownebetter husbands, and becomenewmen; the Devill feemeth tobe fled: but ifthey benot newcreatures indeed, having new hearts, hungring after righteoufneffe, and the knowledge of God, in Chrift, the Devil¡ bath them far furer then before. So in Saul, when the evil! fpirit came uponhim; when Davidplay- ed, the Devill feemed to be gone, but alas nothing Idle.. So fome have beene troubled in confcience, and they have skinned all over in their manner, all is quiet now : but let them beware, forif they have not met with the rightcure, theDevill by lying(till, and diffembling flight, will make them fecure to their deftruction. Now, we cannot finde them out better, then by confidering of warlike ftratagems, to one whereof the holy Ghoft here hath refe- rence. NOW thofe are divided into three bands; fortheyare either in pryingout, or in concealement, or inmatter ofattempt. For the firft, the devil¡ dothpry into us, and knoweth us but toowell, he is named from