V E R. io. Ephe/tans,Chap.6. and then !tabbed her deadly. SoDavidwas wont topray thricea day, and take times for fuchdevotions : but thedevill (as it is probable in a Sam.I I. a.) had caufed him to come from his trench, and then did prefently wound him. The fourth ftratagem is, Spreading of falfe terrors. lad. 7. Gedeon with a frightful' fhow did fo aftonifh the enemie,that they turned one againftthe other : thus the devil! doth often marfhall many caufeleffe terrors, as he makes others prefume when they fhould tremble.Hence it comma!), that he maketh Gods deare Chriftian children, be fome- time troubled with feare, whether they are in the favour of God, whether they everhad true grace, whether they have not finned a- gainft the holy Ghoft. So in particular anions ifone will makea con - fcienceof unlawful! gaine, he will feare them with poverty, they !hall not be able to live : fo, if they be liberali, he will caft in this feare, They may want themfelves: fo, if they defend an innocent helpelefle perfon, he will bid them looke what they doe, they may drawanold houfeon their heads : and he doth fill theeyes of the fpirit with fuch difguifed bug-beares. The fift ftratagem is, to fend in fome fmall forces, or fuborn fome treacherous inftruments which maybetray all : thus the devill will often fatten fmall finnes on us, tobringus on to greater; fuborne falfe brethren. Nowwhat is the ufe of all this, but to (titre us up to looke about us! feeingwe have fo fecret and fo fubtill an adverfary inftrudted with a thoufand arts to circumvent us, what neede have we to be in- nocent asDoves, but wifeas Serpents e Now, ifyou will aske, How we may be keptfafe Learne to feare and fufpedt the evil' one : this is the Sentinel' of the foule, which maketh difcovery ofthe adverfary.Bewatchful', &c. Credulity is full of peril!, but wife fufpition fecureth from danger. Secondly, let us keepe within our houlds; keepe the threatning within thy heart, and the dayly courfe of Chriftian duty, and they thall not be able to hurt : but above all things, hold Chrift and his wifedome by faith : for (Pro. 8. ra.) he dwelleth with prudence, he findeth out counfels, the Spirit of wifedome is in him. If we had to draiewith fome crafty Broaker, we would joyne the wifeft head wee could meete with againft him : but get Chrift the wifedome of the Father, and no wifedome fhall be able tohurt thee. Fourthly, pray with David. i/lcbitophels ftratagems, in the time ofpeace, were like the O raclesof God; but what faid David, Lord confound the wifedome of," chitophel. a. Thisshould teach usthankefulneffe to God, who in his Word dothmake difcoverie of fuch like ftratagems. If one difcover to us any wily deviceof an enemy, we areglad, nothing doth come to us more welcome: fo nothing fhould more rejoyceus, who are in our warfare, then toknow what plots our enemies have contrived againft us,Fare.warned,ferearmed. The 721 3. Yfe: efII: tv1aj. 3 A. Yfe,