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7aß. Ephefian.r,Chap.G. VER.ioi The reafon felloweth. For we wraf!!e not againfiflefh andblood, &c. In which three things are tobe confdered. 1. Who arethe wraf{lers. z. The wrafllingit felfe. 3. The Antagonifls that wraftle with us. But the wordsare difficult : therefore it may be asked, What is this wreftling e Anfw. s. A fpeech borrowed from an earthly exercife, to fhadow a fpirituall courfe For wraftling again!! one is the putting ofa bodily force forth, that Imay caft down fromhis (landing, and lay along him againf! whom I wraflle: fo the life ofa Chriltìan, is the receiving of a fpirituall impreffion from the powers ofdarkeneffe, which they make tothis end, that theymay caft us downe from the Date of faith, righ- teoufneffe, and bleffcdneffc; to anunbeleeving, unrighteous, and cur- fed condition. Secondly, it maybe asked, how it is Laid we fight not again!! flefh andblood, feeing the Apofllefaith, He fought with heafls at Ephe- fr+s, &c. that is, favage men, of beaftly quality; feeing againe that men make us no ftnall exercife r Anfw. Themeaning is not limply to exclude them; but aftera fort: in this manner, we have notonely, orprincipally flefh and blood. The like fpeech is to be found elfewhere. God faithbySamuel, they have notca(l thee off, but me; that is, not thee onely or principally, r Sa- muel, 8.7. Thirdly, it may be asked, how the Apoftle can fay, that thefe doe thus mole!t us, the powersofdarkeneffe; when Colof. I. 13. we are faid tobe delivered from them, john s 6. r. ThePrinceofthis world is fayd tobe catt forth, and judged e Anfw. We arc delivered from the ragingpowerof them,not power of tempting forexercife fake. 2. Wehave deliverance, and Satan is fubdued in part : for the Scripture fpcaketh of things begun , and in doing, as done : in fome meafurewe have deliverance, but not perfect. We fee not all things fubje&to Chrift, Heb.2.8. and Rom. Satan is not, but fhortly (hall he trodden down under our feere; This ferves in general'. Butthe laic part of the verfe is difficult, and there- forerequirethmore particular examination. For the femme therefore ofit, here is a defcriptionof the Devil/ and his Angels, which are the aflàylants of us in the way of Salvation. Now they are defcribed three wayes, r. From the refpeólof power they have in regardof this world, and that particularly called principalities, and powers; generally called worldly governors; which is expounded by wayof corre- &ion, governours of the darkneffe of this world. 2. They are defcribed from their nature. 1. Their effence, Spirits. a. Their quality, wicked. 3. From the place of them, in high places, or hea- venly places. The ayre called by the name of heaven, as the fowks of the ayre arecalled the Fowles ofheaven. Now for the meaning, we mutt open the words. 1. What is thedifference betwixt thefe threewords; Anfw. They doelay downe a difference of degrees in evil' Angels, which