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V E R.10. êphefianf,Chap. 6. 723 which is plainety taught in Scripture. 2. The exaóldifference, is not comprehendedby us, though the Lord hath revealed it. We fay it is taught in the Scriptures, that if any thing be found out pertinent and found, it maybe knowne to havebeone revealedby God. a. We fay, that there things, though in Scripture not fully conceived, we may teachmodefty, and confcience of our infirmity, when we come to the Scripture; that fo we may fceke tohave our underflanding unlocked. a. That we may banifh theprideof being wife above that which is written, when we cannot conceive all thingswritten. 3. That we may teach, that the perfpicuous knowledgeof this doirine of Angels, is kept till we (hall be ;4y,fro. But yet with reverence fo farm as the Word of God doth hold forth light, we may impart that wecon- ceive. Firfl, therefore, you muti know that there are two fliritua(l king - dames in the world. The one of light, God, Chrifl. The other of Sa- tan, called alfo the power ofdarkeneffe, Col. 1. 13. Who hath delive- red us from the power ofdarkeneffe, 4t1. 26. Now as the king- dome of God is not inword, but in power, in rightcoufneffe, peace, and joy : So the kingdomeof Satan is in power; which a/peelallyfiando in faure things. In finne, which asa fpirituali judgement he dothexecute: In thecurfe, Heb. 2. 14. That he might deftroy through death, him that had the power of death: in infiiEling evills apparently, evill in body, foule, goods : and in giving things good in themfelves; yet be- flowed in Gods fierce wrath. And thus he beftoweth through Gods jufl 'judgement, the glory and riches of this world. For when God will let a man thrive in finne, theDevil' will ferve him in profperous fucceffe, above that hisheart can defire. This is his proper power in regard of the wicked. Now in refpe t of the godly, hehath a power to e.Kercife them with fundry tentations. Secondly, you mufl fet down, that in this kingdome ofevil' An- gels, there arc force in order before others;thatis grantedofall. More particularly ,there is one univerfall Commander ofthe refi, andPrince as it weirof the whole world : therefore the Scripturefpeaketh fingu- larlyof him, calling him the Devil', with an emenencie above his Angels : Satan the Prince of this world, as our Saviour doth often call him, in ¡oho a. Thereare Princes, or principali fpirits in Nati- ons and countries under him. Thus theScripture teacheth, Pan.t o. r 3. The Prince of Perfra, where he fpeakethof an Angel having power in that countrey; having power toworke fo in the fonnes of difobedi- ence, that the matter of the Church was hindered. And thefe are principally under the Princeof the whole world. Thirdly, it may be probably conceived, that inCountries there are ofinferiour authority underthem, and theyare powers. For in earth- lykingdomes (when tilde twowordsare joyned) the one doth figni- fie principals governours, the otherfecond ones, or fubdelegate under them : So that, thefirfl wordmay note the Princeof the wholemorld,ani fuckas are principali over Nations under him. The fecond, fish as are is