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714 EPhefian.r,Chap..G. VER.IÓ. authority tinder them,to execute Gods fpirituall judgement offinne andcurfe, and havepower oftempting theSaints. Now tke thirdword Both compre- hendboth theformer, os thegenera dab the kindesunder it: For bath the Princes of this world, Princes national, andpowers inferior to them,all are worldlygovernours. Now he openeth the foundation of this their power ; left they Ihould be thought governours,fuchas are the fonnesof the molt High, and have received magiftracie for the goodofmen; he faith, they he rulers in theworld, by reafonof the darkeneffe in it : or by theworld, I meane the darkeneffe of Crime, all kindeof curfes and fpiritual I tem- ptations. The fecond thing they are defcribed from, is their nature. Firft, they arefpirituall: that is, Intelligences that cannot be feene with eye; fubtleand powerful!. z. For their qualitie, wicked; fuch as have at lcaft eminently in them all wickedneffe. The third thing is the place; the dottrine of which, you may remember in thefe three conclu- clufion. Firft, they are caft out ofheaven; which was their firft habitation, Jade 6. Secondly, the place appointed to them all (and where fome are referved to the laft day) is hell, or the deepe, 2 Pet. z. 4. Forif God fpared.not the Angels, &c. Luke 8. 3r. And they befought him that he would not command them to goe out into the deepe, that is, into hell. For thefe guilty perfons are imprifoned before exe- cution. Thirdly, that Gods juft difpofrtion is fuch, that for executing his fpiritualljudgements and curfes on the wicked, and trying with temp- tations hisowne children,fomc of them are in the earth. v9poc.I 2.12. For the Devill is comedown ingreat rage. lob t. The Devil! com- paffeth theearth. Someare in the ayre, as in this place to hinder the faving hearing of Gods Word; and in the ftorÿ of lob, they flirted uptempefts. Now then the fumme of thefe words, may more largely in this manner be unfolded. You have good reafon toput on the armour of God : for all of us whohave received to heleeve, and have through faith our hearts purified to obedience; what is our life,but a continual) confliet (wraftlee) andwho arethole that encounter use Not flelh and blood, for then weneeded not armour of fuch high proofe, forged by God himfelfe. But thefe that ftrive with us, are fuch, as if youTooke attheir authority, they havea kingdome amongft men, the Prince of the whole world; under him national! Princes; thefe have principali- ties, and fecondary powers under them. Thefc principalitiesand po- wers, thefe all of them aregreatgovernours in the world, doc all of them refit} us, yetI would not have you take them fuch as have a magiftracyóver the outwardman, for the good of them, as worldly Princes; who are therefore calledgods : But the regencie they have amongft men, is by reafonofdarkeneffe. Gods Spiritual! judgements, curfes which God will have executed, and temptations wherewith God willhave his children exercifed; governours of the darkeneffe of