Ephefians, Chap,6. V ER.IO, t kingsof this world, and by concupifcence, the principali tempter. Now more particularly, that he faith we wrefue not againft flefh and blood, it doth teach us, Thalia shoji things men doeor f eake affen- fively u us, our principals enemy re not mew. Pod had much oppofition bymen,yet he faith we wreftic not againft men; he fawworfeenemies in them then themfelves: men did perfecute the Saints, but Revel. a. to. the holy Ghost faith, the Devil! doth caft them into prrfon : the falle teachers did feduce the Corinthians, but 2 Car. 4. 1 r. the holy Ghost faith, Satan did beguilethem : the Damofell and men that cha- fed Peter to thedenial! of his Matter. werenot his chicle enemies, but theDevill that defired to winnow him, Lake 22.21. So the Caldeans and Sabeans, that fpoyled lobs goods,were not the chiefe againft him, but Satanby them. The Devill doth like Fowlers whogoc with their flalking- bode twixt them and the fowle, that they may fhoote more fecurely : fo hedoth put men, fometime our friends, fometime good men, ofwhomwe are nothing afraid, betweene us and him, that he may worke his mifchiefe undifcerned. Wherefore feeing it is thus when any perfondoth offendus,orpro- voke our fpirit, let us not fo much look at them, as at the enmity the Devill doth thew in them, who Both labour towinnowus,weakcn our faith,brcake our pat nce by thofe things; and this would make us not take to heart,fomucks perlons that offend us, but bend our forces molt againft thofe principal' enemies , whofc trunks and inftruments the otherare. Saullcft huntingDavidwhen he heard the Philiftims were upon him. 2. Seeing the Devil! doth even make men inftruments of his wickedneffe, let us by the way take good heed,that he donot circum- vent us : the rather, becaufe he will winde in hinifelfe, when we have no ill purpofe in it ; as Peter praying Chrift to fpare himfelfe. The Corinthians being fevere to the incefluous perfon , the Devill would havetiled this their courfe to the overwhelming of himwith forrow. Secondly, the Devill , with hit Angels are called powers and princi- palities. Wee fee the evill v1ngelshave a greatflecke in theframeofthis prefentevil/ world , in ordering (er rather di/ordering ) ofStates and Kingdoms: thefe are not empire titles , butgiven themfrom a powerfsil ai7ion they have in the hearts ofmen, by Gadspermilion : And the fame muff be gathered when he is called the Prince of this world, yea, 2 Cor,q.4, the godof this world; his ufurpation, and the fpirits ofevil! men yeelding him noleffe. Great is their power in keeping out good, keeping in evil!, procuring judgement ; and he doth fccure through Court and Country, for this purpofe. Thus he provoked David by finite to lay the people naked to Gods judgement, r Chron.2 i.r. And Satan flood up againft Ifrael. Thus he laboured tocut off the hopes ofthe Church, by ftirringup evil] Princes , to entrap Daniell in the matter ofhis Religion,Dan.6.5. Thus he flood at the right hand of lehofuahto refill him, zach.3.2. Prince, Prieft, and People, he wor- keth in them all to hold up his owns kingdoms, and ftablilhethall things