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VE R. Iöi Eplaefzañr,Chap,6. 729 thingsthat&rye for it ; as on the contrary tokeepout light and truth, and all meanes-which fhould befriend thefe. Hence it was, that the belt Kingsof Judahnever made a thorough reformation : hence, that in forne Countries receiving the Gofpell, as in Germany, there have beenefuchbonesof diffenfion , as fubfcription to their books ofcon- cord, the apple of difcord. For cAtat. r 3. 24, 25. the Deviil foweth tares, whengood feed is downeby the Lord. Wherefore feeing that thefe fpirits have fetch a power in this world, we muff not wonder at fuck fpeeches, Which of the great ones be leeve on him h.7.48. You feeyour calling, not manywife men af- ter the flefh,not manymighty, not manynoble arc called, r Cor. t.z 6. For then the Devil' could not have fo great a fway in the kingdomeof thisworld, ifhe fhould not hold great perfonages (for the moll part) fure_tohim. Againe , it letteth us fee, that the fucceffefull proceeding of the Churchand Common - wealth, will not come off eafrly ; for thefe powers doe oppofe againft it. And fuch as are light of beliefe in this poinr, it ptoceedeth from ignorance : Theydoe not know the power, and latitude of the Devils kingdome. Butthe third and principal( ufe is to nitre ps ap topray that God would maketheft powersfall downe like lightning from heaven: that God would binde up there powers of darkneffe , and fend forth his goodAngels to watchfor the good of. Church. and Country. If the Devil' be fo bufie to hinderthe perfonall progreffe of a private man, what will he doe towithfkand the happy eftate of a whole Nation, if God fhould not rebuke him The third thing to bemarked hence, is, that he faith they be gover- nours ofthe darkneffe of this world : Obferve hence, That wboftever doe live in theflareofdarkneffe , the1 are under the Devilspower. Theft are joyned, the one as thefoundationof the other : and before we have deli- verance fromthe one, we cannot befreedfrontthe other, Arts 26.58. To open their eyes, that they may turne from darkneffe to light,and from the power of Sitan to God , &c. And therefore the Scripture affir- methofone,who hearethzhe Word,and commeth not to the affcEtive knowledge of it, (fo to learnt Chrifl, as the truth is in Chrift) thathe is in the hands of the God of this world. z Cor.4.4.In whom the God of thisworld hathblinded their minds, that is, ofthe Infidels ; that thelight of the glorious Gofpel ofChrift,which is the image of God, fhould not Thineunto them ; for ignorance is the very foundation of the Devils kingdome. Againe, whofo liveth in the darkneffe of fin, is of theDevil', job. ;.8. He that committeth fin is of theDevil' : and whofo is fubjelt to Gods curfe (as every one not truly beleeving is) is asyet under the power ofSatan: for he is Gods executioner ; even 'as we may fay , ifa man be led pinioned up the ladder, and have a handkerchiefe knit beforehis eyes,that he is in the handsofthe hang- man. gonebe in the dungeon at theCattle, with boultson him , we may fay he is under the power oft the r r 3Jyler ; fo if this vale be knit before Yfe ì. Yfea: Yfe 3.