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VLR. o, ephf anr,Chapi,6, None but doe-fornetime give place to him , yet he dwelleth not alikein all. Thofe thatwith full content ofheart receive his fuggefti- ons, he hathfull hold inthem : but the godly when they give place to him, they let him come into the fuburbsand our-parts : but becaufe Chrift dwelleth in their hearts by faith; the tower,being kept, he is, by the renewingof their faithand repentance, forced to retire. This therefore is tobe marked, that teeing thedcvill isnothing but a fpiriti of wickedneffe,that by confenting towickednefie we let inthe de vili untous. Now then take heed : men will fpitat hisname, and blefïe them- felvesfrom having todoe with him, but if you give place to wrath, ftomachfulnelfe, contention, pride,good fcllowfhip, and the fugge- ftions ofthis kinde, you receive him into your bofume, and are no- tably foolifh; likeas men fhould beafraid at the name offire,but care not tobe burnedwith theheat of it. You mu&notconceiveof the de- vilt as offome hideous !lrape, as if he lhould come like as:you dreffe- him in May games and Pageants, with homes , in an oxe-hide, and . cloven feet, fquirting fire; no faith he, I will goe to fuch aone, I will be a fpiritofuntruth,.I will bea fpirit oferror, r Reg.ult.zz. afpiricof covetoufnelfe, ofpride, ofmalice ; I will fuggelt thefe things : Con- tent to thefe wickedneffesand you receivethe fpirit which prompteth you with them, to yourunderfianding. And the Lord teachus to hatc . wickedneffe,even asthe devil! that is a fpiritof it full ofit,and labou- ring to fill us with it. Laftly, that theyare in high places, are abovests; Hence learne cir- cumfpe%tiou : for, feeing we lie naked to the viewofthem, we mutt- be careful!, that they fpienothing inus to theiradvantage t Againe, what arc they a not onely Lion-like tnemies, but maliciouspromo. ters. Now ifa Promoter, that fhould beare us no goodwill,fhould Rand ver our heads, would we not be watchful!; knowing, that every fault would be informed againft us t to the devill is noother thena malici- ous acculer ofus; and thefe fpirituall wickednelfes hang hovering over our heads : wherefore we had need be circumf pat. [ver. r 3. and forthiscaufe.] Nowfolioweth the founding of thealarumafecond time by the Apoftletous, the ufe ofall this great defcription oldie powerof darkneffe : which though far fubftance it is all one with verse i e. yet theconfiderations in it are divers : for the holy Ghoft Both in repetitions inforce circumftancesdifferent ; both for our fur- therdelight and inlruétion, as the fame meat makcth divers dillies if diverfly cooked. Thewordsare plaine, the parts are the exhortation toour duty (grounded on the words before) and the ends ofour du- ty : he exhorteth to the one, leading to theother. Fieft, refittance amplified from the circumftanceof time , in the . evil! day; that is, inthe houresof temptation, ofattiaions,of the pow- erofdarkneffe. Secondly, perfeverance, let down by the antecedent, That having finifhed 731 Anfsv.