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731 Ephefian.r,Chap.:G. V>ïn.ió; finifhed all things (that is , having out-wraftled all the wills which meete you in thofe hard times) you may be able to hold your owne; yea togoe on more and more ftrengthned and fuller of refolurion then before. We fee then what is the end ofall that is revealed of cvill Angels, their fubtiltieand power; That we pull up good hearts to re- fift them. It is not to feede curiofity, but to make us more vigilar;e. I Pet. 5.8. Befober and watch, foryour adverfary the devil goes about as armingLyon, be. Much !elk is it the purpofe of Paul to difhear- ten us, as thofe naughty Spies, Num. 13. who told of the Gyants of Canaan, foas to quaile the courageof the Ifraelites: but this faithful! fervant Both fo tell them, that he maywhet upour fpirits to the refr- flance ofthem, 1 Pet. 5.9. Whom refli/fedfafi in thefaith. This then muff beour care, when we know how powerful!, fubtill adverfaries we have, To buckle our felves to battell, and gird up nur loynes to martial! refiftance. Now, that we may be encouraged to ware this warre, whoare foweake, Firft, we mutt confider the Spirit in us is ftronger then the fpirit in the world. a Iohn4.4. TheSpirit which doth beareat one end of the ftaffe in every godly fight, is fironger then all the Devils in hell. Secondly, all the Devils power is limited , and that fhorr, that he is notable to wound us mortally, Gen. 3. 15. He !half bruile thy heck: he cannot wound us in the head, or hurt us, as Chrift doth him (yea and maketh us likewife) when he doth treadehim under our fate, Rom. 16. lo. TheGodof peace than fhortly tread downe Sa- tan, &c. All his power is derived and limited : he cannot touch a cat- tell that belongethto us,nor a hogge, if Chrift doe not make him his warrant. This we may feeby experience, what is the caufe, when we are in the beft liking,theDevil! doth bring us downeand moyle us in firme; andyet, whenby finne we lye under him, he candoe nothing till wee are rifen by dayly repentance : heis at his chainesend, and can goe no further : ifwe were in the mouthof this roaring Lyon, he could not couch his fangs without Gads perroiffion. Thirdly, notwithftanding all his power, he can doe nothing with its but by cur owne leave, he mutt knockcand aske our leave before he enter. Now a tyrant that raignes by intreatie, is not much feared : and an enemie, ',Lei non melt vineere, nif volentem, is not much dreadful!. Fourthly, Chrift bath unarmed, and bound him, Colof. 2. 15. and hath fpoylcd the principa- lities and powers. His Panoplia isgone. Now foraman incompleate harnefTe to feare a naked bound Gyant, were too muchdaftardik. Fiftly, we have the good Angels with us, fighting againft them, Pfal. 9 r. 1 r. For he !hall give his Angels charge over thee, &c. Het.. 1.14. Are they not all mi. nihring fpirits fent forth to minifler for their fakes, which fhail be heires of Salvation! So that if our eyes were opened, wemight fee (as Elifha laid) there are more with us, then againft us. Laftly, our Captaine, the Lord Jefus, the Lord of Hofls, the Firft and the Laft, is withus forour encouragement. If one lofuah could (land again!! one