VE R.IO. pdiefiaus,Chap. 6. 733 one andthirtic Kings, ofCanaan,what principalities, powers, verrues,; fhall be able to fluid before our íehof/mah, the Lordof Hoaftse Whet- fore though they be mighty, yet we may fay as he, Num. 14.9. They, areasbread for us,and let us take heede how we let our hearts be daun- ted, and fpeake of our finncs, and other furl infirmities, as if we ne- ver fhould out -grow them, and with our felves dead, rather then fo yoaked. For if God would takeus at oar words, it were enough to keepe us outof that glorious reft of his. Num.14. 2S. 1/4_./ Is I lisie faith the Lord, I ivi!doe twoyou even le have ['pokers in rnineeares. But we ferve a gracious Lord. The fecond thing to be marked, is, We mull prepareourfelves before Don. the day of temptation commeth. Take up, thatwhen it commeth you may refift. It is good for us to be appointed aforehand,when weknow that we that! be fetupon withevils, Jot, ;. 25. He when it was faire weather looked for a feafon of temptations. Paul, Lillis 20. 24. he cared for nothing but this, that he might finifh his courfc with joy, fhoote the up-(hot well, and in the evil! time furrender a comfortable fpirit to his Creator. And this duty is enjoyned, whenwe are bid be lober and watchful!. For firft, in preparing to warte , is the continuanceof peace. Ifa Anfw: Nationgrow fecure, andlet fall the careof all warlike munitions, it is a whiffle that calleth: upon them , fome forain enemie: when men goe naked iamaketh knaves let upon them, that would not ftirre were they weapoued.v Again, we cannot difpatch final! things tocome off happily, with- cut providence before they come : If one put off things to the point 2. of time inwhich they are to be tiled, how many difficulties doe they mette with, which with forecaft are happily contrived e As it fared with thofe Virgins, Ma. 25. who brought not oyle, till their Lord was come ; they then cametoo late,theday afterthe Faire: Coa thou- land to one, that whonegledteth theprefent time, and provideth not, fhall never in theevil! day beable to compatfc it. Thisthen rebuketh the way of many, who take no care for the lye I: time to come, let to morrow care for it fclfe; who may be font to Schoole to the Ant, Prov. 6. 6, 8. the loth in Summer (tore up for winter; who may be checked by their owne courfes in things earthly. Ifthey have a journey tomake of pleafure, theywill be wcekes afore. hand providing for it : if they feave hard times,they willlay up fome- thing againfi the deare ycare. Whichwifedome in earthly things may evincetheir folly, who will not get aftocke ofgrace,on whichto fpend inhard times, when it is no eatiiegathering. Secondly, itmutt teach us tohave our eyes in our head : and fore- Ili 2. feeing evil! timesare to come, let us hide our felves under the wings of the Almighty. Let this be one of our petitions, That we may findegrace from the throne ofgrace,in the times of neede.In Anno 88. when we had intelligence of the (hips comming againft us, the Drum was ftrickenup io our ftrettes, preffe -money walking, muttering eve- ry