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.734 Ephefians,Chap, $. VER.IO. ry where, all kinde of provifion,that we might be able to meete them viEtorioufly : fo it becommeth, thathaving certaine intelligence, that there times will come, though it is uncertaine when,we fhould put our felves aiwayes ina readineffe. Thirdly, it is tobemarked,That when hebiddeth allthefaithfullpro- videagainfi the evil!day,be taketh thisfor granted thatwhofoever are the Lords, in this courf oftheir livesJhall knowfume hard feafons. He doth not fhoote off talle fires, making them afraide of moon-fhine in wa- ter, but forewarneththem of that which fhould befall them. Neither Both he tell themof evill cimes, on this particular ground, that perk.. cutiònswere hard at handonely, which are not alwaies; but on this ground, that thepowers ofdarkeneffe doe fight againft us, which is common toall ages. Wherefore the doctrine isplaine, that the Lords !hall know in the courfe oftheir lives, fome times full ofdif iculry.We muff not thinke that honey moones will Taft all the yeare. True it is, there isgreat diverfirie : yet this allo is true, that in all lives they have their evil! dayes in them. Some are very dripping ever and anon fhowres, like scabs : fame faire in the fore-part, and ending,but ha- vinga found fhowreat noone-rime, like rob: fame in theending c1ow.. die and ftormie, asIohnso. 18. it is faid of Peter, that wtien he was you'lg, he went whither he would,&c.when there dayes fh.ill come it is hid,lob24.1.How fhouldnot the times be hidden from the Almigh- ty, feeing who know him, fee not his dayes! But that fuch doe abide us is revealed. Every one that will live godly, muff fuffcrperfecution. Wemuftthroughmanyafili6iions, .felt 14.22. If we have not our chaftifing we arebaftards, Heb. 12. Thisthen doth checke the fecurityof many, whobecaufe it is, and hathbcenewell, theythinke the handof the Almighty will never al- ter:thinke they !hall dye on their netts. rob 29. 18. Then I Paid, I !hall dye in my neft, I !hall multiplymy dayes as the fand; think they ¡hall never be moved, never fee evill, Pfal. Io. 6. That their mount !ball not be fhaken. They might as well fay, the funne fhines, they !hall never fee raine againe. Secondly, we muff 'came towalke in feare. The more profperous our elate is, the more wemuff feare. We are fure to know evil' times, fooner or later : fuppofe thou fhouldeft efcape till death, it will be an evil! houre. For Tooke as enemies befieging a place, if forne come to remove them, theywill defperately makeon-fet, as knowing, that if they win it notprefently, they !hall never prevaile : fo Satan in death, then or never muff beget the dayof thee. Thinke therefore how fu- rioufly he will affault: feare therefore chofe times; and the rather, be- caufe ifyou feare, and your hearts melt, God will be merciful!. As Ief ee whenhis heartmelted at Gods threarnings, God told him, they houldnot come to paffe in his daies. Ifa rod fhaken be enough, a pa- rent willnot ftrike with it. Fourthly, that he faith, having finned all things, that is, outwraft- led all theevills wherewith in thofe hard times you fhall be exercifed; obferve vfe i. vfes: