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V t R. Io. EplJefians,Chap.6. 735 obferve hence, that when times of temptation come, toe mutt lookeforma- ny thingswherein we are ta'be tryed. 'Having finned all things, wemuff not looke tohave done : when fomeone trouble is outwraftled, one woepaft, twofollow, afwell in perfonall as publike vifitarions, Apoc. 9. 12 .lob whenGod broughtthecvill dayes onhìm,howmany things one in the necke of another, did exercife hime changes,armies offor- rowdid befet himjob a o. 17.Wherforebroughteft thou me outofthe wombe oh that I had perifhed and noeye had feen me! So Chrift : the devilcame to himwitha three-foldtempration,and then gave backbut for a feafon. Theparticular evill day is defcribed thus, Ecclefiafies, 12.2. that after raine commethclouds that is, it is like this April weather,as one fhower is unburdened, another is brewed : even as in theevill day, whenGod doth mutter his judgements againtt the wic- ked, toconfume them, God bath a pir, feare, feare; as Efay 14. 17. Or as Ames 5. r9. as ifamandid flee from a Lyon, and a Beare meet him; or went into the houfe, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a ferpent bit him; that is, he hathone evill in the neckeofanother tode- {troy them : fo in theday of temptationhe hath many exercifes, that % hischildrenmay be throughly tryed, as gold in the furnace. There- Y fore men mutt notthinke, when one evill is paff, all their bitterncffeis over;as children, ifthey have had their payment, thinke all lure for a time after: neither yet muff we be fo fhort of fpirit, as to wax weary when God dealeth with us, though we like weather- beaten birds would funourwingsquickly : for, weare all like Ephráim, :' we love to threfh, but endure not the yoakeeafily. Again there being y 2; many trials inour evill dayes which abideus,we have neede to beg at Gods hand, that he would teachus todeny our felves, that he would fl rengthen us in the inner man, toall long fufferance with joyfulneffe. Thirdly, we mutt learne to reckon on the worft: the belt will fave y.N i; it felfe. It isgood tothinke; [ fee where the handof God hath begun withme, I know not where itwill end withme. Caft the worft; fhort {hooting here may lofe ail. That is a worthy refolution of Job in his day, 13. 15. If thouwilt kill me, yet will I truft in thee. He that be- leeveth, maketh not hatte. Delï: Laft ly, we fee, that wemall not onlyhave care tooutwratilt tollsfor thepreterit, bat toperfèvere after, that is; holdour owne ingrace, yeahave grace increafed; (hewing it ftlfe in a holy defiance of all enmity, if the heure ofdeathbe at band : or infurther refolution to encounter newenmi- ties, if life continue. We faint not, faith the Apoftle, nay we are more then conquerers,Rom, 8. 37. Hereto mutt be recalled the glorious ex- ulting, Bono. 8. 38. 1am perfwaded, that neither life, nor death, be. I havefought a fight, what is laid up for me but a crowne of Righte- oufneffe a Andwhile life continueth, we muff be ttrengthened for further refitfance, t Pet. 5. to. And the' God of all grace, which hath calledis tohis eternall glory by Jefus Chrift, after that ye have fuffef red a little, make you perfect, confirme, ftrengthen, and ffablilh you Where,he maketh our confirming and ffrengthening of-us, ollow