736_ Ephefiana, Ghap,6. E R.IO, vfe. 1<. 2. following our fubduingof temptations : as trees th tken , roote snore firmely; and cides befieged, when the enemie prevaileth not, they grow ever after more invincible. This then muft teach us, who have endured many things, we muft have care fill to perfevere. What would be more pitifull then to fee a fhip, having. paffed all the billowesof the fea, rim upon rockes in the mouthof the havens fo when we have pared many furges in this world,and now fhould come into the haven; then, not togoo on,and caft our anchor in a fafe roade, were too too pitifull. Again, marks what mind we fhould havero perfevere, that have fuffered; teeing, when we give over to endure, all our former fuffering is in vaine. Now ifa man had laid much money forth ona thing, wouldhe lore his former charge for a trifles no; he would rather double the colt he had beeneat: for, wemuff carry mimics rather to doubleall our fuf- ferings,then to give over before our end. Again,the morewe have gon through,the more theLord giveth us thefeminds; the more we fhould be fiefhed againft further affaults. Many falle in this: the ffar;;ing after many trials have binwell endured,as David fought ah the Lords bat - tels,&pafi'edawayhis days happily,yet afterward fel molt grievoufly. Newfollow thefeverallpeeees ofarmour,ofwhich ingencralltwo things rnußbe marked; Firft,that we muff not fo precifely difference thefe things, asto thinke that one may not ferve for the ufe of another, as that the fhield maynot doe in fame fort what the .breaft-plate loth : for, Thef, S. 8. Paul calleth faith a breaft plate. Secondly, for the diftinaion of defenfive andoffenfivearmor, thetruth is, that though Come part maywith more property and eminencie be rearmed offen- five : yet they areall fuch weapons as doe lrike downe adverfary po- wer, as well as ward the blowes which the devill rcacheth us. Faith therefore iscalled our viélory, 1 iobn q. 4. This is the viélory that overcommeth the world, even our faith. Now then to confider ofthe feverall parts as theybe inorder, firtf he faith, Stand, being girded a- bout with the girdle of truth. For the manner of proceeding, before we precede to the dorlrines andwordcfexhortation, wewill feeke outfaire things : firft, what is meant by every one: fecondly, what is theufe of it: thirdly, how the devill dothlabour to difarme us of it: fourth- ly, howwe may hold our owne againft him. Thegirdle of truth then commeth firff : Now truth fomcume fignifieth the doEtrine oftruth, lohe 17.17. But that itcannot here fignifie; the fwordof the Spirit, being thus to be confidered. Truth therefore here, is foundneffe: whichis aiwaies accompanied with conffancie; For which caufe the Hebrewes doe in one word fignifie both. For the fecond, thisgirdle bath three fifes. Firft, it doth adorneus : for this was the ufe of the Studded belt, which the fouldiers did =arc, to hide thegaping joynts oftheir armour , which would have beene unfeemely: and nothing doth adorne a foule more, then uprightneffe: as ourSaviourcommending Nathanael , gave out this fpecchofhim; Beholdatrue Ifraelite in whomthere is no guile, lohn 1.47. Secondly,