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Ephefian.r,Ghap.G. VER.IO:- but is provoked to raft: fowhere there is this obftru6tionof the foule, the wilfull loveofany finfull courfe, whatfoever grace is received in- to the heart, it will not let it reft, but makeththe foule raft it up upon all occafions. Secondly, the Devillwill from ourunfound performance ofduties thus reafon againft us. Thouknoweft thou haft often looked moreat man then God, and haft propounded indite&meanes when thou fhouldeft have eyed his glory onely : therefore thou haft not this truth. Wemuff diftinguifh of hypocrific, as ofother fins: for as fin is raigning,or not; fo is hypocrifie. Now theremaybe this,not raigning hypocrifie in the hearts and consciences ofGods people. David, Pfal. 31. when he faid, Bleffed is he, inwhole fpirit there is noguile, did take himfelfe tardy in this evill : andBradford, with other ofthofe moft holy Martyrs, doe much feeke pardon of hypocrifie and carnali golpelling : but no finthat raignethnot, mull difcourage us. Howmay we know it raigneth note Ifwe have purpofe againft it. Secondly if we have griefe for it. Thirdly, if we feeke for ftrength agaiuft ir. Thirdly, the Devill will throughcroffes we beare , and from the prejudicate opinion of other men beare us downe that we are not foundhearted. Thebooke ofrah isbut a canvafeabout this ; where it is determi- ned, that no calamities can prove áman an hypocrite, nor noopinion ofmen, thoughwife and holy: The feiffame thing befallethhim that fweareth, and him that feareth anoath, Ecclef.9. t, z. Laftly, theDevill will labour to foiflin this leavenofhypocrifie in our daily courfe, that thus by littleand little, he may pick thisgood feed ofrighteoufneffe out ofour hearts. Here our refiftance is to hold us to our owne,andpray to God to rebuke him. And this way is made for the fourth queftion, Howwe may keepe this truth. Fief#, byconfidering the wofull curfe that belongethto the contra- ry : For God detefteth nothing fo, as hypocrifie : and abhorreth thofe dutiesthat arenot done tohim infoundneffc. 2. The bleffedneffeof it. Bleffed is hewhole heartis upright, Pfal. 119. it is the delight of God ; and hither belongall the ufes above named. 3. In our com- mon dailyduties to labour this. a. To perforrne them with our heart. 2. As in the fight of God. 3. To his glory , for this will make the graceoftruth to be deeply rooted in us. Now then for the Dodtrine, and life ; this is it that weare taught : That wemu,fl get uprightnefJe ofheartfor thefirenrthningofus. Luke 12. 35. Let your loynes allo be girded about. t Pet. t. 13. Gird upthe loynes ofyourminde. Now this is the chiefe girdle that adornethus, keeps all our cloathes together, ftrengthens the loynesofus : thus Da- vidgirded himfelfe, I will walke in the uprightneffe of my heart, in the midft of my houle. Pfal.tot. z King.zo.3. Hezekiah. 2 For our rejoycing is this,the teftimonyof our confcience, that in fim- W plicity