VE epbeflans,Chap. 6. 779 plicity andgodly pureneffe, and not in flefhly wifdome , but by the graceof God ; we have had our converfarion in the world, and moft ofall to youwards : and it mutt not be a naturali truth which may caufe men tohate haltingwith their owneknowledge, buthath a fruir of the fpirit : fuchas muff make us not onely looks to the outward duty, but to the inward performance ofit; fuchas mutt make us Ieeke toglorifie God. Therefore, fuchas walke onely, giving their outward man inan Y[e a. outward conformity to God, theybe counterfeits, and flippes in Re- ligion : fucb as, whole righteoufneffecommeth like a tertian Ague, and is as a morningdeaw 3 thefe are without this girdle : and a man maybebold zo fay here, as to children ; Not girt, not blelfed : but many that have girdles, yet keep them fluttifhly : who are here likewife robereproved ; and few ofus can wafh our hands, we being all hollow preces , if due examination be taken. Confider but thefe 'bare things, and you (hall bee better able to ferret eta theguile ofyour /irits. Firft, how careleffe weareofthe fpirituall aólion, in thole things t. we performe; as inprayer. To the fpirituall doing ofthis duty, is re- quired, r. Preparation, or keeping the heart fit for it. 2. A devout inwarddefire, groaning to God. 3. An awayting,aftcr we havedone, CO fee how God anfvereth us. But who doth not lightly paffe over thefe duties , which is no better then a wiping the out-fide of the difh, not lookingto that within. z. Marke, that in refinance offin , wee more are forry, and deale z. againft this or that branchofcorruption, which (hoorahout to our difgrace, then againft the rooteit felfe. NowRom.. in Paul we fee, the lawofevill, whichdid dwell within him , was his principall.mat- ter ofconfliét. 3. Marke thecourfe of our affeétions, and we fhall fee how un- 3. found we are towards God. Ira thingtouch ourfelvcs,our blood will quickly be in our nailer : if a man doe know this or that by us amine, it is grievous, the Iliame ofit much upbraidsus : but things that offend God, and which we know he feethamiffe in us, we can let thefepaffe nothing affected; a frgne, our love tohim is not fo found ; our feareof him, anddefire of praife with him, not fo unfained. Laftly , let us obferve how frequently our actions are corrupted. 4, As,fometimewe undertake todeale for fomethat fpeaketh to us, but do it without anyhearty well-wifhing tohim ; fometime not flicking to fay toourfriend, I mutt fpeake to you for fathion , but doe as you pleafe : we vifit lick ones, butnot (Erring ùp our bowels ofmercy,wc fpeake a great manyphrafes ofcourfe, our confcience telling us it is otherwire. So is our behaviour :. we makeafemblance of reverence, but how farit is from the heart, this may teftifie3 that we can (abfcnt from theparties) ufe their namesproverbially, we Than nothave fuch a one breake into finifter fufpicions, as ifthe lift and fiat Commande- ments were blanks with us. So in fruits oflove : we can doe this par - Sff z ry