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Ephefia:i.r, Chap.6. V Ex.IO. ty good fomctime, but it is to keepe another under , who would elfe Iprout forth fo far, that his fhade woulddim=our lights : as, I will do for fuch a one, they know good behaviours, they will do their ho- mage, fuch a onewill thank me for it , I am fore it will not be given clean away.In leaving fin,many leave it not becaufe they hate it as fin, but it bath often broken out to their reproach; which is more,confeffe their owne firmes, not defiringto giveglory to God , and gaine a te- ftimony of a found heart ; but becaufe worldly wifdorne doch tell them, It is belt for them to tell theirowne tale, or it were double folly to makedaintyof that all the world knoweth. Thus in taking upgood duties asorders inour family , many often looke not fo much at the confcience ofGods Commandement, as at this; The eyesof men are upon us, all theworld will cry fhame, if fuch things be negleétedal- together. Butyou that will keep truth, take heedof this haulting : for thoughthere may befome reliquesofhypocrifreinagood man, yet thenature ofhaulting is, it will goe quite out ofthe way if it be not healed, Heb. I2.13. Andmake ftraight Repsunto your feet, left that which is haulting be turned out of the way. And he that limpeth thus ftill, may have a lame leg by it tohisgrave. V/o 2. Secondly, we muff flirre up our!elves tokeepe this girdle clofe to us, which isof fuch excellent ufe : this is woven in heaven , no lhop can fervc you with this, but that oncly. Wce buy us girdles for the body ; and ifcofily ones, wekeepe them carefully. O be wife for your foules. Now followeth the fecond part ofour furniture s Having put on the breaftplate ofrighteoufneffe. To follow thefelfe fame order. r. Fìrft, for that which is meant here , there is a threefold righteouf- neffe. One imputedby faith, but this cannot be meant, for thisis the fhieldof faith. Another righteoufneffe inherent in us, which is part of the divine quality begun in us, Eph.4.24. 3. The third, a righteoufneffeofcourfe, or converfation, orworke: thus the thing donc is called righteoufneffe. 1 Iohn 3.7. He that doth righteoufneffe, is righteous. Pfal.112. 3. Riches and plenteoufneffe !hall be in his houfe, and his righteoufneffe endureth for ever. Now thefecond is not fo fitlymeant here, becaufe theApoftle bringeth in thenew creaturearmed : therefore it is fit todiftinguifh him from his armour. Neither is truth properly the new creature, but the quality ofhim : neither is faith and love, properly taken in their differences, the newcreature : for they (hall ccafe. Though therefore I will not ftrive againft ir, yet I take the righteoufneffe ofthe courf and converf- lion, hereprincipally to beintended. Nov into this parr of our furniture, three parts are enfolded : for thisrighteoafnefe hashthefe threebranches. i. Firft, for thetimepact, ateftimonyexcufing us , which is the tefti. monyofagood confcience, z Cor,1.12. For,our reloycing is this, the teftimonyofourconfcience,&c. . Secondly, for the timeto come, apurpofe to avoid all evill, and to doe