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VB Ephefians,Chap. 6. ( 78f; doe that is good. Thus Paid andBarnahau exhorted the Antiochians withpurpofe of heart to cleave unto the Lord. Thirdly , in refpeâ ofOur daily weakncfl'e, which doth dint and 3. bruife this breaft-plate , theremuft be forrow and humble confeffon offine, with feekingpardon : this dothbeat it forth againe , and un- derline it, that it is as ferviceable tous as ever. Forgive us ( wee fay) daily our trefpaffes : for, our righteoufnefle is rather inpurpofe then performance, rather inconfeffion of imperfelion, then in any per- fedionwe canamine. Secondly, for the ufe ofthis : it is daily, or more extraordinary : the dailyufe is this, that when the dcviii doth tempt us to fin, ifthe breaft becovered with this purpofe not tooffend, then his fuggeftions will fall downe like paperefhot , and (hall not pierce us. How can I doe this great wickedneffe, and fo fin againft Gode The more extraordinary, when men (hall load us with preju- dice aopinions, condemning us : this will beare it off; I know nothing by myfelfe, I care not for mansjudgement, r Cor.4.3. As touching me, I paffevery little tobe judged by you. When the Devil' telleth us, Thouart not eleéted, thouhaft no faith, thouart not fanétificd, all doth comebefore thetribunal! ofrigheeoufneffe; this confirrneth to us oureleQion. z Pet, z.s o. Wherefore brethren,giverather diligence to make your callingand eleQion fore. This affureth us that we are juft, our finsforgiven, and we fanâificd,Iohn 3.7. I-k that doth righ- teoufneffe, isrighteous. Themore beneficial it is, the more ftudious Satan is todifarmeus of it. Firft, therefore the Devil! will keepeus fromgetting this, inthis man- obj. i; ner : What doe you betake you to fuch care of your life e God is I mercifull, Chrift hath died to redeemeyou, he will not lofewhat he bath bought fodeare. God is merciful' tothem that feare him , Chrift redcemeth thofe .tnf whomhe fanëtifieth,to be a peculiar people unto him,zealous ofgood works. Titus2.14. Who gavehim felfe for us, that hemight redeeme us from all iniquity, and purge us tobe a peculiar people tohimfelfe, zealous ofgood works. Ifwe will have forne kinde ofrighteoufneffe, he will perfwade usto fuch a kinde of breaft-plate , as is not of aright metal!: thatis, a general! profcffon, andan honeft carriage, in this oOf z' manner; Though it were requificeyou fhould have all righceoufneffe, yet what needeth allthis adoeeGod fpareth you as a father fparethhis children. All thepeople ofGod are holy, is is not for righteoufneffe you fhall be faved. We muft have found righteoufnell'e, and endevour of perfeáion. elaf. Ifyourrighteoufneffeexceed not the righteoufneffcofthe Scribes and Pharifees, ye ¡hall not-enter into the kingdomeof heaven, Though Ifrael be as the fand ofthe Sea, yet a remnant onely (hall be faved. Not all that fay Lord, Lord, (hall enter into the kingdome of heaven, Bows r. 044t.7. Be yee perfeQ, as your Father inheaven is perfect, Mat.6.2. Defre and endeavour to followafterit. Sff3 3.If