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VER;Iö. Ephejanr,Chap.d. 783 what abittetneffeitis, whenwe have our confciences accufing for any moregrievous fwerving, the belt is when it commeth home by weeping croffe : but howwoe£ull is the ftate of thefoule , till repen- tance bcgivenr For as affomachfutcharged;which bath neither vent upward nor downeward, fo is a fouleclogged with guilt , but wanting repentance. Now then to fpeake to thedoétrine : we that areChri flians, mull all labour to ftrengthen out felves with the teffimony of a goodconfcience , and a righteous converfation. Thus Hq.ektah walked, doing that which was good inthe fightof God , neither tur- ned on right hand, norleft, from all that Godhad commanded. Thus Zacharieand Elizabeth walked, Luke 1.6. But weehave Paul by pre- cept and praétice,teaching the point, Phil.4.8. Furthermore brethren, whatfoever things arehoneft, whatfoever things are juit, whatfoever hings are pure,&c. think on thefe things. And we may fee,firft,how his confcience didnot acculehim for timeprefenr, t cor.4. 3. As touchingme I paffe little to be judgedofyou. How he endeavoured for the timetocome to keepe it fo, t/fcgs 24.16. And herein I endea- vour alwaies, tohave a cleare confcience toward God , and towards man. 3. That he wasnot without his exercife of repentance. O mife- rable man that I am,Rama.This will keepe us inour daily courfe,and in theevil) houre; whereas if thefe be not renewed, we (hall come by fcare : as Iudahgoing forth without harneffrng himfelfe, by renewing this purpofe, we fee howToone he was wounded with evil). This then laeing the dutyof Chriftians, doth rebuke fuch , who either content themfelves with a falfe armour, or have none at all. Some there are, Thar aregood Church men ,. honeft , righteous, jut} dealing men; but because they lay nota good foundation of faith in jefus Chrift, and of repentance from dead works , becaufe they care nor for the fpirit and power ofgodlineff : therefore, brown paper shall as well keepe out Musket Choi, as this will help them, when the Devil) !hall let flye his murdering bullets. Many have none at all,but naked breafts ¡hot through already , their confcience being able to accule them, that they have lived in profanenell'e, contempt of.Gods ordinances, inpride, wrath, covetoufneffe, pleafurest their purpofes havebeene to walke after their ownehearts lulls, doing that which is good in their owne eyes. Inffeed offurrow never toberepented of; they can tell you, they wereat fach a place, where they were frolick, had entertainment with fporrs, &c. Poore thrals of the Devill that haveno armout'of God upon them. 2. Wemull learne our duty, not to run on at adventure, but looke to.thefe rules: we areall Prkltsof God, we muff not goe without this brefl-plateenamelled with Vrimandghammim. Wherefore looke that ourconfciences fpeake withus, God is greater then they, renew your purpofésevery day, ftrike lure covenants with God : take up the blef- fed exercife of broken hearts, bewaile your daily wants : for we fhould not leta thought which is awry , nonot a dreame which fa- ; voureth Yfe I. Yfe