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Epbefianf, Chap.6. V E R,10, voureth corruption, paffe without a cenfure. iob rather fanL`tified his houfhould on fufpicion, and jealoufie, then negleéted mattersalready apparently evil!. Now followeth the third,ivhich anfwereth to the greaves,or legge- harncffe, [and your feet !hod.] a. For the meaning : Some doe conftrue the preaching of the Gofpell ofpeace, the readineffeto confcffon; but thisis rather a fruit ofour being fhod, then the ¡booing it felfe. And this is a more parti- cular thing, as which agreeth with times ofperfecutions, and perlons calledto make confeffion. But all the parts of this armour agree to all times, and to all perlons. The fenfe is; being !hod with fuch fur- niture, as the Gofpell of peacedoth helpeus to. Now the Gofpell ofpeace doth tell us two things, that make us fully appointed forall adverfities ; that God is through Chrifta mer- ciful! Father: for , all enmity is killed in his Croffe. Secondly, is doth affure us, that every thing that can befall is made for as. r car. 3.22,23. Whether theybe -thingsprefent, or things tocome, all are yours, and ye Chrifts, and Chrift Gods. Not life onely, but death is ours; that is, is made to ferve for our good. So thefoule, knowing theft things, is harneflèd to goe in the waits of tribulation. Secondly, for the ufe: it ferveth in undergoing our dailyaliEtions: for, every day bath his mifery. Secondly, in palling thefe extraordinary evils which !hall betide us : through many aflliêtions wemuff looke to en- ter into the kingdomeofGod, v111r 14.22. as the ufe of boots and greaves is againft all rouglineffeof theway, that we may treadon flin- ty paths, or thornes,and that without taking hurt. Nom the Devil! mállfirfllabour to keepe rrafromfeeking after this peace, by lulling us afleepe with a falte peace, as this ; ifGod did not love thee, thou fhouldeftnot thus profper, thou haft notroubles , nothing but peace !hall follow thee. But we mull learnt to dáflánguáfh betweenea true andfalfepeace. Firft, this is grounded on no outward thing, but on forgiveneffeof fin. Rom.5.T. Then beingijuftifìed by faith, we have peace towards God through Jefus Chrift: this is brought to us, and applied by the Gofpell, byprayer, the Gofpell ofpeace, Phi/.4.6. Be nothingcare- full, but in all things let your requeftsbe (hewed to God,in prayerand fupplication. Now, the worldlings peace is fo much the greater, the leffethe Gofpell is preached to him : for , this light will not let him fleepe ; and for wading to it by prayer , bybeleeving the mercy of God, and promife that all things fhall worke for hisgood,heknoweth not what theftthings meant. Secondly, the devill will tell us that have our part in this peace, There isnopeace to the wicked, Efay 48. ult. Thou haft much wickedneffewhich God cannot but hate. vdnf. Thewicked, who is not juftified through faith, can have no peace : but Chrift hath coveredmine imperfcEtions. Thirdly;thou never kneweft what trouble meant, till thou cameft to