VE R. IO. Epbefiant,Chap.6: to this gofpell : Since, thy owne heart, nicn, fpirituall wickedneffes, thine owne friends have hated thee. Anfw. lohn 16.2. They (hall excommunicate you, &c. this peace ftandeth with all kinde of difturbance. As the weather freezingnever fo eagerly, a man well booted and appointed in that kinde, may ride as warmeas wool!: fo aman (hod with this, may be quiet in the midft ofdifquietneffe: for, this is his peace; in having our mindcs prepared with knowledge of our peace which the gofpell revealeth : not that he (hall not have evill many waits, but that Gods mercy fball not be taken from him, and that all of them fhall worke together to his good. Fourthly, Satanwill fay; God is angry withyou, which the effects doe teftifie. Anfw. By diftinguifhinganger as thus, anger and love Rand together inparents, the more they love, the more they are moved at the dan- gerous courfes of their children : Therefore it followeth not, Godis angry, thereforehe tomb thee not, therefore this or thatIhall hure thee. Now for the fourth thing, Howwe may preferve our peace. SnJw. Firft, ifever we knew it, this will helpe us, to affure us we have it frill, To remember the covenant of peace withus,is aneter- nall covenant;not for aday, but for ever; Pfal.54. t o. For the moun- raines (hall move, &c. but my mercy (hall not depart from thee, nei- ther (hall mycovenant ofpeace fall away, faiththe Lord.I have corn- paffion on thee; the whole chapter to this purpofe : and Chrift faith, the world cannot take away this peace fromus : if therefore feeme it otherwife, it is but hid in a cloud for a feafon. Secondly, if we will keepe this peace, wemufènot judgeaccording to fenfe, but righteous judgement, we muff controule our fenfe by fanótified reafon; which affureth, that all things are for good to us. Whenhere below there are pitchy clounds,ftormes, and fuch like in- preffions of the ayre, the (tarry firmament bathno change, the funne bath the fame brightneffe when it is hidden from us, that it hath when it fhineth moft glorioufly : fo when wealter, andthere is nothing but thunder, lightening; and (formes inour skie, God is the fame, the faithfull mercies of the covenant are not changed. Thirdly, we mutt, ifour foules be out a little, fchoole them, as Da- viddoth, Pfal. 4a. Why art thou caft downe myfoule ! and why art thou fedi[quietedwithin me! There is anart ofrocking the foul, and frilling it ifoutof quiet : the Lord teach it us. Now for the dotrine : we fee how we are to firengtben ourfeIves with learning- the doctrine of our peace through Chrilt : Paul was thus (hod. Ram. 8.38. I am perfwaded, nothing (hall feparate me from the love of God. All things, I know, worke together for the good of them that are beloved of God, Rom. 8. a8. And this furniture made him goe fuch hard wayes cheerefully; in which fhowresof afrliérions did fall as thicke ashaileftones. The Church in the Canticles 7. j. is commended,that her frepsin thefe (hooesare comely. This doth make Gods 785 An[w. Obje£E. 4. Amfro. I. 3.