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V ER. Io. Ephftanr,Chap.6. 787 of command and promife. 3. It doth prevaile againft all enemies. This isthe viétory thatovercometh theworld, even our faith, r iohn 5.4. The Ufe (hall be more particularly branched out hereafter.Third. l y,wemuß markehow theDevill dothpraelice againfi us in thispoint-J.1-1e will labour to put upon us, and ferve us with a counterfeite faith. You beleeve that God is mercifull, and fent his Sonne to be theSavi- our of mankinde: you meanewell,and have good hope to God-ward, that is enough; He that beleevethfhall be Caved, Marke 16. 16. And all that can be Paid for the Popifh faith, may be brought hither. 4nfiv. That faith that faveth us, mutt worke by love, Gala:.5.6. It muff purge our hearts, Aar 15.9. And he put no difference between us and them, after that by faith he had purified their hearts. It muff make us to know, Chrift bath given himfelfe for us. Galat.z. zo.Thus I live, yet not I now, but Chrift liveth in me: and in that I now live, I liveby the faith in the tonneof God,who hath loved me, and given himfelfe for me. And bring Chrift into our harts. Ephef3.17. That Chrifl may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, &c. f Now, tohave a faith without good workes, a knowledge onely of a Saviour given to man kinde : this will profit nothing. iam. 2 14. What availeth it my brethren, thoughaman fay he bath faith, when he bath noworks! can the faith fave him,&c. Secondly, He will la- bour towreft oar faithfromus, more violently or craftily : the firft, in íM thiswife; Simon cagua beleeved, Awls 8. ir. Herod, &c. Faith in temporifers doth not availe them : thatfaith is no better, for they have done many things, had joy, kept the Apotllles company, and gone as farreas thou. Anfw. Wewaft beare of this blow, by learning to diftinguifh trae faith from falfe faith, by faare things. r. For the nature of it ; True faith Both apply Chrift inparticular, and faith, with Paul and Thomas, My Lordand my God. Who hath loved me, and given himfelfe for me. Secondly, it doth increafe in the miniftcry of the word and prayer, whichdid asGods inftruments, beget it. Now falle prefumptions are careleffeofthefehelps.Thirdly,it is perfected and groweth up through temptations, wraflling with doubtingfeares. For ifour faith be atrue fruit oftheípirit, our lull will fight againft it, though we outgrow thefe things, inproceffeof time. And therefore it is to marked, that all other faiths, the Devilt never fifteth them : for cipher they are fuch as will not perfect theparties; as lofts, temptations, &c. or elle fuch as are his owne coyne, bearinghis infcription : as for example, carnali prefumption. And therefore he letteth them paffe for currant. Laftly, a true faith is feene by this effect, it purgeth the heart, fo that it doth not retaine the love ofany finne, wherein it hateth to he reformed : theothers come Ihort;as Herodsdid reach to many things, but not to leave his Herodias. Secondly, the Devil! will thus fhake our faith; True faith is with many fruits, lam. a. Is accompanied with joy, I Pet. I. 8. Beleeving we óbjetl. 1. objet!. z. Anfiv. 2. 3 4