788 I Ephefrans, Chap.6. V E R.ro, we rejoyce, with joy unfpeakeable and glorious. Without doubting, Abrahamdoubtednot, Rom. 4. 20. neither did he doubt ofthe pro- mife, &c. Now thou haft no fruits, thou art without feelingcomfort, full of doubting. anfw. We mull examine, whether we have any fruitsof faithup- on us, or noneappearing : if we havefew fruites, it argueth a weake faith; not that there isno faith, dead trees havenot any fruite at all up on them. Ifwe have none, it mutt be confidercd, whether it was fo alwaies with us, or by occafion of fame fall; having before been otherwife. Now, if in thefirft kinde, it is plaine, we never had a true faith; if in the latter, itargueth faith is in a fwoone, oras a tree in the nipping froft ofwinter. 2. For fenfe of joy we muff know, that it is a fruit may be fevered from faith: as in Chrift, whofe beleefe was firme, yetall comfort eclipfed : as in that fpeech, cuyGod, my god, why haft thanfortakenme ! vind the rejoycingoffaith, is ehiefely difen- fid in threefea fns : Eitherin the firft breeding ofa Chriftian, that the joynts of him maybe knit the ftronger: or after great temptations out- wraftled, that the brokenbones may be comforted : or in times of perfecution and martyrdome, that we may be heartened in it, to confiant fuffering. Witnelfe our rejoycing in Chrift Jefus daily. objeíl. 4 4. TheDevillwill fay, true faithgrowethfrom faith to faith,Rema . 17. Grace is like a graineofmuftard feede. Now thy faith bath no growth, nay thou art now more doubting then thou haft Beene. 4f... Anfw.Trtiefaithgroweth : it istrne withtheft llmiratiens. Firft, that it is not felt inhim alwayes, inwhom itgroweth. 2. It doth not grow in all times, it may decreafe in fome degree : the meaning thereof is, that thegrace whichis inthe end, (hall be more then at the beginning, !hall have his growth. Now, if the Devill faith to any beleever, Thy faith never had, nor(hall have anygrowth;The confcìence mayeafily anfwere it, Faithbath two(tafons : One ofpeaceand building it health- fully, the other of temptations. In the firft it groweth, and often is difcernedby him, inwhom it is. a.It is in temptations. Now thefe are ((two forts. Firft, fuch in which faith is exercifed, and maketh refi. ftance: as inoutward croffes. Secondly, fcares, doubting of hispar- don, gripesof confcicnce. Thirdly, lawes of evil!, that lay the Lord ofmif-rulein our members. Now thefe (faith caufingus Aye toprayer) feeke theword of promife, renew repentance : thefe, I fay, faithdoth thrive by: as thereare forne rowing fickncffes, in which the body fhootethout, andwhen men have beetle awhile exercifed they per. ceive it: there areother temptations of fpirituall (lumber, whether the heart behalfe waking, orby forne grievous lime fallen intoa dead fleepe. Inthefe, faith may be diminifhed : as theholy Ghoft faith of objttl. s. their love, they had loft fome degrees. g. The Devil will tell us, where there is true faith, there the Word is powerful! and profitable, Thef. s. t3. TheWord is effettuall inyou that beleeve, Heb. 4.3.The Word didnot profit, where there is no faith to mingle it with. But thou feeft not the Words power,anddolt not profit by ir. Anw.