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VER . io. Epbefianr,Chap.6. 791 the Lordof Hofts fhall command them : he ufeth them at pleafure. The horfeandchariot is prepared, but vietory is from theGod of bat - tell : many feeke the face of the Judge, but judgement is from the Lord : men rife upearly, but God builds the city : we may ufe meate and medicine, but God is our life, and length of our dayes : and it is feeke, the fwift bath not the race, the wife wanteth bread. Secondly, the devill willlabour tofupplant our faith by indrrel/ wayes, leading to a releafe, and kerning toput an end to our evils : for, teeing that we are wearie inenduring, and would faine fee reft from troubles, he then will open pofterne doores, in dire wayes of deliverance; like Fowlers, when all is hard froft and fnow, they (hew meate, that birds (harply feemay fleeon murder. Thus Sarab,Gen. r 6.a. And Sarah faid, Behold,now the Lord bath reflrainedme from child bearing, Ipray theegoe inuntomy maid, it may be that I /hall receive a child by her. Da. vid, r Sam. a 7. I. Isit notbetter for me that I fave my felfe in the land of the Philiftines, &c c Chrift, tillat. 4. Command thefe ftones to be made bread by miracle, now thou art hungry. We mutt therefore take heede, that we often thinke on that in Efay, He that beleeveth, maketh not hafte : and confider againe, that thecafe of fuch meanes, is like toadraught of drinketo a hot ague, it maketh the fire burne worfe after : your iffue in this kinde, is but breaking the jayle which makethus fubjeEt todouble puni(hment. Now followeth the fourth confderatiou, how we may keepe our faith againfl ail affaults,and encreafe it. Firft, by expelling felfe-confidence, and unbeleefe: Secondly, by confiderationsthat lead direlly to the ftrcngtheningof our f ith : Thirdly, rules of either. Firft, he that will beleeve, mulldeny all trufl in his owne wifedome : for, feelfe confidence it a choake weedof beleefe, Prov. 3. S. Trutt in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean not ro thy owne wifedome. We are the circumcifion, hohave no confidence in the &lh, but rejoyce inChrift Jefus. And as we cangrow downe, denying our wifedome andall ftrength wecan make : fo (hall faith on our great God grow up. 2. We ,mutt (hike at unbeleefe, withthe fwordof the fpirit, taking up our felves for hal- ting,with fuch like places as thefe, Now the juft (hall live by faith but ifany withdraw himfelfe, my foule (hall have no pleafure in him. As the murmuringand unbeleeving Ifraelites,who would notbe- leeve the Lords oath given them,that hewould make them dwell in the temporali Land Canaan, were accordingly (hut out of it: fo faithle(fe ones, whobeleeve not Gods promifes, concerning the true Land of Canaan, the heavenlykingdome, (hall be barred from entring that ho- lyplace. See Numb. 14. 29, 3o, 31, 32, Chewing on fuch words, will tame the ficrcene(teofunbeleefe. Thirdly, we muff confider the injurious effe&s which this fin Both to God, and us. For unbeliefe giveth God the lie. r lohn. 5. so. He that beleeveth not in God, maketh hima lycr : then which, what can be more reproachful)! and it doth us all the harme : for nothing could hurt us, ifthis were not. Heb.4. ult. They could not enter for T t t z unbeleefe,