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792' , Ephefian.r, Chap.6. V E R,Io. un-belicfe, they were a churlifh lewd people,befides other diftempers: but thisdid them the mifchiefe, for it reje&teth the medicines that wouldcureus, taken; and pulleth off Gods plaiflers , which lyingon would falveour miferies : thus purging out this malignant humour, we thall flrcngthen faith the more commodioufly. Firtt, by looking up to Chrift, whenwe feeleour faithweake, cal- ling him the beginner, the finifher of faith in us : praying him to en- creafe our faith, and to help our unbdicfe; Thou muff give it, and worke is inme, or Icannot have it. A fainting body will talk fome- thing that is cordiali, and reftorative: and a fainting foule muff baire itfelfe, with looking to Jefus, whois our cordiali, and refforative, and every thing. Againe, we mutt confider whom we truft, for this will ftrengthen beliefs : ir is not with God as with man , who is better knowneoften, then trufted. Themother of our unbeliefe is, the igno- ranceof the affedionare knowledgeof God. P/al 9 Thofc that know thee, will rruft in thee : this confirmed Pan/ in faith, becaufehe knew him, he rrufted to. 2 Tim. r. t a. For I know whom I have believed, &c. and I know that he is able to keepe that I have committed unto him, untill that day. Now concerning God , two things mutt bee knownc. Firft, hispower. Secondly, his truth. Rom. 4. 21. Being fully alfured, that he which had promifed , was able alto to doe it. Abraham was thus flrengthened. Heb. r 1. r t. Sarah beleeved , for he was faithfull that had promifed : and for example, I by faith beleeve my fpirituall liberty in Chrift, f andtification, my life, joy, &c. How fhould I fupport my fclfe, when I fee nothing but thraldome, and fin raigning in me, nothing in me but deadneffeof hearts e.../1a fw. Thus : hethat bath fpokcn this to me, Hold me, I will fet thee free, I will circumcife thy heart, wafh ir, purge ir, heale it ofall rebellions : he that bath fpokcn it, is God Almighty, that giveth being to all crea- tures we fee,and that invifiblc worldof (piths ; that calleth the things that arenot, as ifthey were5that if therewere no print of trefe things in me, can increafe them glorioufly : and as he is able,fo he is true and faithfull to keep touch, his wordbeing purer then Giver feaven times refined. Thirdly, we mutt labourto fee the precioufneffe ofour faith: and this feene, will make us hold hard,ere we part with it. 2 Pet. t.3. Toyou whichhave obtained like precious faith with us. A man that bath great charge, hiswhole fiate about him, will as Toone lofe his life as part with his treafure. Now, in marking what it doth, we (hall fcehow precious it is. For what a grace is that, which when we are buffeted with Satan, Both make us to ftand e when our weapons are beaten on our heads, our prayers leffe comfortable, when we are laid along, doth raifeus e when over-charged with affligions, doth frill lift our head to Chrift our Lord! and maketh us (ay, he is ours, we are his, fire andwater tnuftnot divorce use And thisfor thegeneral! hand- ling ofthe verfe. Now for theparticular.Firft,from the manner. r. Above all. 2 .The fruit orufe of faith: with which you may be able to quench all the fiery