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VE ft.FO. Epheftanr,Chap. 6. ( 793 fierydarts of thedevil!. Firft, then weheart that aboveAB things tree mail labouroferfaith, our sere muff be chiefly about this. t lohn.3.23 This then is his Commandement, that we believe in the name ofhis Son JefusChrift. This is Gods Commandement wherewithweeare charged. For nothing is fo glorious to God. john3.33. It doth give God a tcftimoniall,as it wereofhis truth, and fealeth that heis true : and for ourfelves, the holy Ghoft makerh all our riches to come in ofit. Iam.2.5. Thepoore, God hath chofen to be rich in faith ; not onely that, faith it felfe is a precious pearle, but becaufe that byfaith we haveall chofe unfearchable riches of Chrift' our Lord : and the manner ofour deliverydoth Phew us plainly, what carewe mull have of ir. Forifwe bid a fervant buy many things, but above all, fuch a thing ; he would gather what he fhould be mot/ carefull in : So here get other things,but above all, faith. Thus Paul, Gad. a. ao. Thus now I live by the faith, &c. and Heb.t t. All thofe Saints pleafing God, had this beljefc towards him. Now then to the doingofthís, wee muff labour toferret out our anbeliefe. Secondly. , u enkindle and renew our dyingfaith, andencreafe it : thefirff wefhallfnde theft waies. Firft, markehow we are affeitad tothe word ofthreatning;whether it breed in us feare, andcarefull declining of finne. If ye live after the flefh ye flail die. Ifthis were believed, we dud! as well takea Beareby the tooth, as give the raines toour corruptions. Who is fo hardy as to thruft his fingerinto the fire a butwe oftenthough we know nothing, let our felves becarried with lulls through unbeliefe; Secondly, let us marke howwe are affetied to the promife. We fee , becaufe bya civili faith webeleeve man, therefore, if we have a mans word , for this that was defperate, we areglad, we fecke to get fecurity. If we have bonds webox themup; we know , when they expire , what to chalenge by verrueofthem. Now for thepromife ofGod , which fccureth us ofall good temporal!, and eternal!, who enquirethafter it, who feekerh it in his heart, who rejoyceth in it, who faith, I looke for fucha thing, by verrue offuch a word, my God hath fpoken ! which arguethwe arefull ofunbeliefe e Thirdly, ourreflingin meanes, and leaning to them. For, fo muchas theheart cloth refs on the creature,it is by fin withdrawne from the Creator. But howmay tre;ode this? By marking boas it is withus three waies. Ftrft, ifwe ofed means, as not ufrng them,what meanes foever we had, ourfeare and truftto Godwould be thefame as if wee wanted them : For wewould know, that further then God did fend forthhis word,they could doe nothing. Secondly, ifwee did our duties, and meanes were wanting, wee would be confident; (till remembring that of Ionathan , It is all one with God, to favewith many, or with few ; with fmall meanes, as great, Thirdly, when wee have things wee would thinke little of any meanes; but afcribe all to Godsblef ling. Now we doe the contrary to chele : For ifwehave meanes, upon them we are fecure s as a man Ttt3 is