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V ER. io. Ephfians,C.hap.6. 795 otherstobe taxed, who, though they have faith , never awake them - felvesto layhold of God' Which the Prophet bewaileth, Efay 64.7. There is nonethat fthreth uphimfelfe,&c. And it doth teach us our duty , even to live the life of faith in all things; even in regard ofnatural aétions andcivill,to fee Chrift move us in them. In feeding , to labour to hold Chrift by faith , that his fpirit may teach us to eat and drink to his glory, that is, with feare, thankfulneffe, fobriety ; remembring ofourduty , which we are after to performe. Ifwe goe hither or thither, we muftdoe it by faith, Pee- ing wemove inGod, and he is thekeeper of our out-goings and in- commings. If wefleepe,we muff not onely confider furors afcending, which caufe; but the promifeof God that giveth fleepe to his belo- ved : yea, we mull apprehend God asour life,and lengthof our daies, notrating in temperaments and conftitutions. The fecond thing to be marked, is, the commendation; offaith ; teaching ass, whatforce:a tofaith to keepe no againfl all affaults oftbe devil!. Wee are kept by the powerof God through faith to falvation, t Pet. r. 5. This one is as all the rel, and therefore is called our viélory, which overcommeth the world, t John 5.4. And it is fo mighty , that the powers ofhell cannot prevaile againft ir. Now for thefuller underffan- ding, you mu/i know what is meant by fiery darts; feeondly, how faith dash extinguifb them. It is a borrowed fpeech from poyfoned darts, which venome and caufe fiery heat in the perlon they enter : fo all thofe courtes whereby Satan fendeth fcorching heave into the foule, are noted by them : thefe are either terrors apprehending a wrath, which is a firethat drinketh the fpirit, as lob fpeaketh ; and Paul,z Cor. 7.5. Fightings without , terrors within , we had no rel ; or finfull tufts which he doth wreath againft us, which are as fire, lames 3. fire ofhell. lot 31. Adultery a fire burning to deftruólion ; or outward calamities and perfecutions , which are called heats and fiery trials. Now faithdoth quench thefe after a double manner, fometirne not letting them enter, but doth latch them, that they do fall offwithout piercing us. This Paul, Rom.7. when the Law came, law his curfed- neffe, z Cor.7.z. had inward terrours , the devil) likewife did buffet him with finfull fuiggeftions,z Cor. t z.He had troubles as thick ashal- ftones, following him, vet this prevailed not againft him, becaufe he kept the faith. Peter, Luke zz. had the dart luck in him a while : but faith didrenew repentance, and healed him, making the poyfonoffin a treacle. Het./ 1.34. By faith the Saints endured all aftliétion, yea quenched the fire, yeachofe them before releafe. And we fee by ex. perience,that whenthe Devil doth lighten about us with the wilde- fireofluls, tempting us to them, that when we looke to Chrift, as who hath dil'olved the power ofSatan, who hath crucified thepower of them , and laid, they (hall not raigne over us ; this doth lake the fire. Againe, when feares affault us, comming to peace in Chrift, wee are Paved : when troubles come, faith maketh us live like the bula in the fire, without burning. Where- Yfe z. I