8o0 + Erbefiant, Chap.6. E R:ICi: our dutyof patientexpe&ing things heavenly. Fourthly, it will con - firmeus to rememberexperiences forepafled; the prefidents of good hope, how God bath made thole partakers of their hopes, whom he fccmed to have put out of his fight; David: his people in Babylan,&c. Soto thinks how fweete they fhall be to us when they come. Hope when it commeth is a tree oflife, Prov. 13. i a. Deli. Now then the do&rine ofthis is, that Chriftians,by thegrace ofhope, maflffrengthen themfelves in their conflicting dayes, If we want good things fpirituall, we muft walkeby hope; looking to him, who bath Paid, we (hall want nothing that is good. if inadverfity, we muft hope tohave a good iffue out ofit, our lives muft be patted in looking for ourfull deliverance which (hall berevealed in the laft time. Thus,PfaL I 23. oureyes are to theeas the eyes ofahandmaid toher mïre/fe, till thou fbew mercy enter: latike 2. 25. Simeon was a jufl man, looking for the confolationof Ifrnel. Theis Paulinhis crof cs had this hope,Phil.3. so. But our converfation is in heaven, whence we /coke for the Saviour, &c. he converted, looking for his everlaßing glory. This is our anchor: withoutit our lives would be toffed with the billowes and forges of our manifold remprations;efpeciallywe muft remember to waigh this anchor in a Cafe road: for the Papifts caft it on the lands, even on their owne worthineffe,which maketh their head peeceas ftrong as ahelmet of browne paper. Pfe r. But (alas) we are naked Chriflians: when we are in trouble, we are ready to with our felves dead, hopeleffe voyces paffe from us, we ne- ver looke to feeit otherwife, and our corne (as we fay) is (haken with every wind for want of this fupporter. Yfe 2. We mutt be exhorted on the contrary to Waite on God : if in trou- bles, for the iffue; if in want, for fupply; if he be abfent, when he (hall returne. This hope is aDormant with us, we doe not rooze up the praßife of it : if we fend a Letter, we looke till we receivean anfwer: we can fay, I fhould heare from fuch a place, &c. Who looketh till God returnethan anfwer of his mind which he bath often felt tohim by prayere If one faith, I willbe with you to helpe you, or doe this or that for you, welooke we fhouldkeepe touch accordingly : if one fendus wordhe will be withus,We lookeand prepare till he commeth: but if God fpeake, who dothwait though he forewarn us of his comming, who doth attend e Wee would bee loth to tell an un- truth, &c. but thefe great things, of nekleäing faith and hope, we make no confcience of : when Mint and Cummin mat be given, the great things of the law muff not be forgotten. Now follows the fwordof the Spirit ; fo cald becaufe it is put in Y our hands, and made mighty through the worke of this Spirit. Firft, that which is here anderffoed by the WordofGodis, whatfoever out ofthe written Word we have by reading and hearing, er what Goddoth 2 teachus by experience, agreeable with that which is in the wordwritten. Secondly, for the ufe, it is either defenfive, warding the blowes which Satandoth reachus (as Chrift ufed, 4.) or offenfive, it doth