VE R.IO. Ephefians,Cihap. 6. So>< loth ftrikedowne the darkeneffe and power of finne in us. Thirdly, the devil doth keepe menfront this ft ord 6y excafs, they 3 arenot booke-learned, have not leifure as others, to looke into fuck matters, why may not men be faved without knowing the word 1nfro. Search the Scriptures: for in them ye think to have etet- 44*f nail life, Jahn S. 39. Againe, fief{ feeke Gods kingdome, and the righ- teoufneffe thereof, &c. LAta:. 6. No feed fowen, there can be no har- veil; noWord,which is the immortalifeed, therecan be no begetting to God. If we have theWord with us, firft he will impagne it by fag- geflions, thus; Howcant{ thou tellthis is theWordof God ? it is not his Word. Oblal . We muff remove thefe things which are fparkesof Atheifine inus; Anfw. Firft, by taking to heart the grofle Atheifme and unbeleefeofour I hearts, and fceking tobe purged of it. Secondly, by crying for the s. eyefaiveof the Spirit ofillumination. Thirdly, by obeying that we 3. know, which doth open the doore of the heart wide, for the holy Ghoft to enter, whtc4a doth afcertaine every thing. Secondly,from want of effc5 inus. He will make light ofit. o6jell. Men fay, this is fo effe&uall, fo comfortable: but what 1 Objets, ao fweeteneffe, what power, what tcrrour doff thou Ride, in the promi- fes or threatnings of it ! Andwho -are worfe then they that live un- der it e Anf'w. Wemuff diftinguifh, from that the WordBoth of it owne Anfw. nature, and that which the corruptionofmen workes, taking occafion by theWord. Againe, the Phyfitians intemperancie will not make the prefcript of dyet leffe regarded. But for our owne want of fee- ling, we mull know whenwe are fo,it is not for anylack in the Word, but thoroughour owne default : when the tongue is in Joffe of tafle through choler, give itnever fogood meate and drinkes, all is bitter; yet it is notin the meares, but in the tafle. Thirdly, the Devill dothby multiplicities of interpretation make objet1.3: fome call the Word inqueftion. Anfiv. Diverfity ofglofle doth not take away the uniforme mea- tAnfw. ningof the Text, and certainty of knowledge in it. If twenty foure Lawyers Ihoulddemurre upon fome cafe; though theyhad twelvedi- vers interpretations, it doth not take away certainety in the Law. Again, this isdrown bleat, notofChrifts fheepe,Howfhould weknow the meaningofthe Scriptures! ¡ah. so. His fheepe heare his voyce. God hath promifed we fhall be all taught of him. Fourthly, the Devill will fteale away the Word from us, for he is objefl.4. light fingred. Mat. I 3. 19. Then commeth the evill one and catch= eth, &c. There is an example in the Apofties, out of whole hearts he did fteale the word of Chrifts refurre&ion, fo plainely foretold them. Andwe fee in Sermons fome remember not twofenrences, at theend ofthewecke, not one : cares, bufrneffes, pleafures,&c. againft whichwe mutt bearmed, with remembring of Chrifts. admonition, Take heedehowyee heare. It is dangerous meddling with edge-tooles : Vv v Bicffed