$92, Epbefians,Chap.b. Y ER.IO. Ifat. n9.0;. 3, 74416. 4. g Dal. Examples. I Chrifi. fob. David. ... Bleffcd are thofe that heare the Word of God and keepe it, Heb. 15. Today if ye will hcarc his voyce, &c. The danger of not keeping the Word and bringing forth fruite,is fet forth, by the ground drinking in the fhowers,and fruitleffe, which is neare unto turfing. Heb.6. 8. And to this purpofe marke the fourth thing : How we may doe that the Word may be heldof ut. Wemuff aboveall things keepe our hearts : for they are the vellèls in which the Word muft be ftored; if the veffell leake or be not fweete, the liquor runneth out, or finelleth of the caske : If the heart be unbelceving, given to luft,covetoufneffe, voluptuoufneffe, the Wordwill runne out, or be fmothered, or perverted. Therefore Davidprayeth, Encline my heart to thy teflimonies, andnet to covetouf- neffe : thefe twocannot Rand together. Secondly, we muff labour to feekowprecious the Werdx. David found it more fweet then the honey- combe, more preciousthen gold or fijver : therefore he held it fo con- ftantly. Iam like a bottle in the fmoake; yet I forget not thy corn.. mandements. Thirdly, we mull cry to God, togive us that faithful! Remembrancer: the which may call things we know toour miede, in the time of our neede. It is Paid when the Apoftles received the Spirit, then they ie_ membred, &c. Without the helpe of Gods Spirit we fhould be like uJgar, ready to dye for chid}, though the fountainewere byus. Fourthly, we muff lay up the Word fafe; as we coffer Jewels : to which three thingsare nece f farce. Firft, muting and confidering within our felves of it. Luke 2. 19. Marykept all thefe fayings, and pondred them in her heart. Secondly,fpeaking of it, Deafer. 6.7. And thou fhalt rehearfe them continually unto thy children; not that we muff talke lightly, with hearts untuned, but either with hearts prepared, or elle with a holy purpofe, to provoke our dull hearts by the wordsof our mouches : for though words come from the heart, yet they helpethe grace in the heart: as appareil is firft warmed by the body, afterwards giveth and foftereth beate in the body : fuch holy communicationwill make us ready in the knowledgeof it. Thirdly, one that will have it fure,muft notonely know ir,andhave it in hismemory, forifhe goe no further it will putrifie and come to nothing; but muff affeét it, that wee may fay fo love I thy flatutes, z 7'heff. Bccaufe they received not the truth in love, therefore they did not holdto it, Pfal. 119. 121. I rejoyced at thy teftimonies as if I had found great fpoiles. Now the things to be marked are two : Firft, that all ofus mull firengthenour[elves, by getting the knowledge of Gods Word. The (word is not more neceffary for the fouldicr, then this for us. Thus Chrift played his prifes with it in the temptation, Mat. 4. lob a 3. 1 z. Neither have I departed from the Commandements of his lips, and I have efteemed the words of his mouth, more then mine appointed food. Pfd. I i9. 1 i . I have hid thy promife in my heart, that I might not of- fend againft thee. Such as have enemies, doe not walke but having their