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V E R. Io. Epheflans, Chap.6. 8o3 their fwords girt to them : we cannot repel{ wicked fuggeftions, ftrike downeour owne corruptions, without the helpe of the fword; and knowledge of Gods pure Word. Whichdoth firft let us fee the lewdneffe of the Papifts : for firft Vfe i. as they give us a wicker fhield, and paper helmet, fo they give us a leaden fword, an unwritten word,thewordof men,as well as of God; the mixturedoth marrethe metal! : but above all, herein they finne, that they let not Chriftians indifferently have the Word of God in their mother. tongue; ufingagainft Chriftians the like hoftilitie that the Philiftims ufed againft lfracl, they tooke away the fmiths and wea- ponsof Ifrael. And marke it : for, this taking the Word from Gods people, is an Antichriftian pra&ice. Ifa man fhould tranfßort our armour, andfo diffurniih the Realme, it would not ferve the fubjels in time ofneede, we would counthim no friend to the Stare. Secondly, it doth convince Chriflians that are careleffeof the Wordof yf, G OD: or if they have theknowledgeof it,they ufe it a. our Gentility weare their weapons, to Jhew the gilded pummels and velvet fcabberds, rather then otherwife : fo theWord, which is a fpirituall fword, many doe difcaurfeof itfor agentatien, rather then to ward of wickedfüggefli- ens, or hew downe theirowne corruptions with it. Laftly, weemutt be exhorted toget the knowledge of the Ward, andhold Fie 3; it far. Pray. 2.1. My tonne, if thou wilt receive mywords, and hide my Commandements within thee,verfe g. then Malt thouunderftand thefeare of the Lord, and finde the knowledge of God. Let the Wordof God dwell in you richly inall wifedome, teaching and ad- monifhingone another, Col. 3.16. We fhould ever have this word in our heartsand mouches: it is no fmall difadvantage for a man tobe withouta weapon in the midit of his enemies. Secondly, this doth teach us, What word it it which theSpirit of God Doll. cloth accompany , andmake mighty in the confcience:it ú the Word ofçod, Efay 49. ult. 2 Cor. 3. 8. How fhall not the miniftration of the Spirit be much more glorious r Irr. 23. aa. and 29. But if they had flood inmy counfell, and declared my words co my people, then they fhould have turned them from theirevil! way. And in regard that it is thus accompanied, it is here and in Efay 48. 5. Neb. 4. 12. called a two edgedfword, of fo great rßîcacie, that we may fee the Apoftles, who being but fifher-men, yet having this Word in their mouthes,did caft downeall the wifedome of the world that refitted them. Andwe fee in that Nicene Councell, when all the Doêtours could not filence Pufeba.:;.a; an acute Hcretick, a fimple man unlearned in comparifon, bringing out thefimple teftimonie of this Word, did fubdue him, and convince him, fo that he had not oughtto aniwere. Which fhould teach us, as wewouldhave the fpitit effettuall with fe us, tokeepe to thepure Word, thefe cleare fountaincsof ifrael; not to affe& the depthsof humane curiofitie : for, the fpitit blowes not in thefevoyces. Every found is not mufickes nor every filch Sermon Preaching. Vv v 2 And