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8o+ Vft _. objet7.r. Anfw. objet7. z. objet7.3. Anfw. Ephefians, Chap.6. V, E R.IO. And it fhewethpeople what they fhould defire : toheart the word of God , by which the fpirit doth work in them ; not to applaud ftrange fire : which men doe through ignorance , which is themother ofadmiration; and through indifcretton, which maketh them they cannot difcerne betweene Aarans bells , betweene the filver Trumpet of the Sanctuary, and fuch tinklingCymbals. Fourthly , from tranflations , objections are made : Firnt, your Bibles arenot Inchashave infallible truth, but are the labourofmen, and erre here and there : that which is the workeofman, and fubjeét to error, is not Gods word. Anfw. s. Our Bibles are not fo infallible as the firft copies were (for in themnotonely the matter, but manner of writing the yfdp) was sEaaVEUc - both infallible) and are fuch as ( for matter) into which may creep fome errour ; andfor phrafe of fpeech , fome dif- fenting from the truthofthe original!. Anfw. 2. The word tranflated, though fiibjcct to error is Gods word, andbegetteth, and encreafeth faith, not fo farre forth as man through frailty crrerh ; but as he is aflïfled through fpeaking and tranflating, to write the truth. ThePapifts fay, there mutt be infallibility in God revealing, and the Churchpropounding , to begetfaith : but this is falle ; for faith commeth by the hearing of thewordof God, from the mouth of a particular Minifter, whoby all confeffion isfubject to error. objets. But ifwe erre in fome things, how can we beleeveany things theymayas well erre in all Mfiv.Ir cannot be: becaufeas God doth immediately and infallibly aflifl them, that they cannoterre at ali;fowe know he is in fome mea- lure with them,that they cannot altogether erre. Thefe grounds laid,it is eafre to anfwer.Secondly,If it be obje&ed,the word you preach and heare, tranflated and read, is fubject to error. Gods word is not fub- jctì toerror , ergo, the word yes heare and reade is not Gods word. Anfw. Thepropofition, ifgenerali, it is falle : but it is particular, and Co concludes particularly ; elfe it is falle, and the conclufion falle. aljec7. A wordthat may erre cannot beget faith : your word may. v4nfw. The firft is falle, unleffe conceivedwith limitation, thus : A word that erreth cannot beget faith , fo farre forth as it erreth. I thought good not to propound this objeétion , becaufe I would not teach men to finde a hole in their Bibles, left their corruption fhould take further hold byit, then their grace would overcóme. Yet thefre- quent audacious practice of Miniflers, in correcting the tranflations which walke in our Lands, dothmake it neceffary , that the truth of this point fhould for the diligent reader be unfolded ; who will not take offenceat the wcakneffeofman , but extoll the power ofGod , which doth put forth it felfèin the midtl of humane frailties. Now followeth the fecond thing, in which the particular ftrength- ning ofour felves doth stand : and that is a matterof fact. The exercife of prayer. The former thingsdoeprefent beforeus , men clad in gli- flerina