(V E R.IO. Ephefians,Chap. 6. (Hering furniture , from top totoe: And this doth (hew unto us the mutter offuch glorious fpirituall forces. In this eighteenth verle, and the two following, are let downe three thingsconcerningprayer. Firth,theduty it felfe; Pray alwaies, with all mannerofprayer, &c. Secondly, the manner, partly from a vertue that muff accompany it: and partly from a property ofperfeverance. Thirdly, the object or parties let downe generally in thisverfe; particularly in the verfe following. This is thefumme of the verfe. Theduty hathhisamplificadon from the generality of it [with all prayer,] which is all thekinds of prayer,whichare opened,/ Tim.z. T. I exhort therefore, &c. Firff, deprecative, or prayers, that aske remo- vall ofevils. a. Petitions, or wipes, ofgood things. 3. Intercefrion,for others. 4. Thankkving. Sécondly, the duty isfet downe for cir- cumftanceoftime [alwaies,] which doth not note that we fhould be daily, or unceffantly occupied in prayer ; but that ever and anon , in fit opportunities , wee thould betake our felves to prayer. Weehave elfe-where the fame manner ofphrafe, t Thef.5. r6. Rejoyce alwaies, not that we fhouldbe like Democritus alwaies laughing; but when oc- cafionis offered, thew that rejoycing; as otherwhiles, we mutt weepe with them that weepe. The like phrafe, 2 Samuel 9.7. cmephibofhetb did alwaies cate breadat Davids table : that is, daily at the homes of eating, he did remaine at theKingsboard. Thirdly,inthe fpirit: figni- fying the fountaine, whence it mutt fpring ; from our fpirits moved by the fpirit of God, which isthe inditer ofprayer. Thefe are opened, as having in them force difficulty. Now toretorne : Firth, to thegenerals handlingofthis t8. verfe. Secondly, to the particular. Prayer is an opening ofthe heart to God, in making requifls andoffering thanks through ChriP. For the nature of it is nothing but a motionof the foule in defire and thankfgiving : called the lifting up of, or the rearing up ofthe foule. The ufe of it is not to fatisfie, or merit. Beggers pay no debts, bat con_ feffeinfttfficiency. Dan.9.5. It pleadeth all guilty, and unworthineffe: and howcan he demerit with prayer,that cannot requiteought hehath received r We are leffe then the leaft ofhis mercies: as David, Pfal. r /6. 12. What fhall I give the Lord forall his benefits untomet The ofofit may be branched out. In regard ofGod : It dothglorifie him, by acknowledging him the father oflights , the fountaine ofall good we haveand would have. In regardofmen, the helpingofthem through love, bybeing fuiters at the throne ofgrace for them through Chrift. Secondly, in regardofourfelves,the ufe is manifold: but here thofe sifts ofprayer ore molt pertinent,which do reff+ell the warfare wee have in hand. Firft, it doth make uswin the daywithout firiking a firoake : For it keepeth the Devill out , that he cannot have leave to throw a dart againft us. t...144/.26.4z . Pray that ye enter not into temptation. Lake 21.36. Pray that you may efcape thefe things , that (hall come to paffe,and that you mayRand beige the Sonofman. Second- 805 z. 3.