8o8 a. 3. objeF.l.7: Anfsp. 2. 3. Ephefians, Ghap.6. `7 E R.IO. Anfw. Firft, thoumuff not negleét it, for this is ro heape one finne upon another, LMat. 5.24. Leavethere thine offering before the Al- tar, and goe thyway,firft be reconciledto thy brother, and then come and offer thygift. Secondly, thou mull not when thou haft offendedGod rufhboldly on him. Exod. 33. To. Theyworfhipped every mana farre off, in the doore of his tent : but Nam. I a. 54. There is a worthy example, if a mans parent fhould be fooffended, as to fpet on him; durit he ap. pearebefore him for (even daycs C And (hall we be fo bold, having offended the father of Spirits,prefently tocome intohis fights In the third place, a man mull gather himfelfe together, and let his heart fgitehim in that he hath done, the rather to think what ftraights he bath brought himfelfe unto,either in negleéling his duty, or pro- phaning the Nameofhis God. If the party be at hand (as theman andwife)let there be mutuallconfeffon; if otherwife, let there bea purpofe of it : and having this purpofe, and being in any meafure touched, though nothing fo well as we wifh,and were meere; we may come to God, and he will accept us, and heale us. a Chron. 33. 19. And his prayer, and how God was intreated of him, &c. Seventhly, The Devi&will labour to prevent us, andbreake us oft in this dealt by deftrallions; chit thing, and that, calling us away, by difficul- ties inthe whileof prayer : fuch mitts of darkeneffe, fuch fwarmcsof wandering idle thoughts, comming before our mindes, that we are much`difcomforted. Anew. We muft be refolute againft diftrailions. Firft feeke the kingdomeof God, &c. c.4at. 6.33. If we promife at this or that home, to meete a man when the Clocke fmiteth, whofoever we are with, we crave pardon ; wee are to goe. Make net more bold with Godthenyou wouldwith man. For the feeond we muffenquire whether letting lodeour hearts all day, doenot caufe this unfitneffeat night: and if it be fo, we muft helpe the matter with watchfulneffe. Secondly, wemull: knowthat the Saintshave feltboth thefe things, darkeneffe, and wandrings. For there is a double wandring of the minde: one isof carelefneffe and contempt, fuch as is in many in the Church, that pray, and their mindes are a wool gathering; they fay Amen, but know not to what. There is another wandring of the minde , which is through infirmitie :ßìt being felt, is grievous to us, though we cannot overcome it. Thirdly, this is arule, Wemutt not ceafe to doe any Commande- ment becaufeof our imperfection in doing it. And to ftrengthen us everyway, Let us cometo thefourth confederation, how toflrengthen oar fives, that wemay confiantly carryforth this duty. Firft, toconfider that this is a Commandement, and that neceflitie cloth lye upon us. Secondly, toconfider thepromifeOfGod, Aske andyeelhaN have, recke, be. Thirdly,