INTE R. 10. Epheflans, Cïhap,ó. 8o9 Thirdíy,romuic (Mel. on the (tile of Gad, Pfal. 65. z. He is a God that heareth prayer : looke the whole Pfalme. If Princes will not lofe anypart of their Royall Title, God will maintaine his. Fourthly, to confider, it is our felves that gaine by prayer and if 4; we lay it downe, we(hall have the Joffeof it. lob 35. 7. If thou be righteous, what givcft thou unto him, &c e Yea, we mull be fo farre from beingoffended at Gods not anfwcring at our want of comfort and libertte, that we mutt holdeven this, fuch a prerogative as we are 'unworthy of. 1 Chron. Z. 14. What am I or my people that wee fhould offer thus a what are we that we should fpeake to God, or have acce(%to the higheft Majefty! Fiftly, to confider againftall wants, that weare accepted,according 5; to thatwe have, when there is areadie minde, z Cor. 8. t z. He fpares us as a father dothhis children, m4/.3.17. They will heare with de- ight the lifping and ftaminering voyceof theirchildren : yea, becaufe the foule is ficke, the fervice is twice welcome. If a ficke childe reach us up a thing, we count it more then to fend another of laborious ar rands. Laftly, from all wants and difcouragements ,labourto fee that thou 6. canft not pray, if God by his Spirit helpe thee not: the more thou commeft tobe poore in fpirir, the more freedome and ftrength thou (halt have in performing thy dutie. Now thus we fee in general!, that C44rifliarìs me by this exercifi of Dec?.' prayerflrengthen themfelves. Every where we have precepts, Call on me in the time of trouble, &c. Pfal. 5o. 15. And precedents: David, Afa, lehofaphat, Fldzekiah, when thearmies of the Heathendid affaile them, by prayer prevailed againft them. This is the refuge of the Saints in all troubles. The Name of the Lord is a tower of defence, Pral. r8. so. This is that juft mans praélice, Pfd. 3z. the whole Pfalme. Whichdoth rebuke Inch Chriftians as ufe not themfelvesto prayer. //f. It is with us as in the time ofEfay 6o.ß. And there is none that calleth upon thy name, neither that ftirreth up himfelfe to take hold on thee. Fand as with the Difciples, lohn 16.24. Hitherto have ye asked no- thing in my Name. We have all things fo calf upon us, thatwe nie not prayer : but take heede; for the Lord will draw backehis hand, and rather (trip you that are his owne ofall, then lofe his honour. Hof. 5. I will goe and returne to my place, till they acknowledge theirfault, and feeke me : in rheir affliction they will feeke me dili- gently. Ifwe will not feeke him, he will make us cry after him: there- fore doe not (whatfoever condition you are of) fhift it off. Wives thinkethe husband mull doe it : but his negieét will not difcharge thy duty. Servants thinke if their mailers ale none, they are bound to none. Whyfhouldweneedemotives to this ? Ifwe might be familiarlyadmitted to the Kings prefence,we would ï: eafily accept it: in faithfull prayer thou mayft commune with God. X x x Again,