Efiant,Chap.d. 130.5. I have waited on the Lord, my Louie bath waited, and ,I have Miffed inhis word,werfe 6,7. Thicdearinechecketh many ; fuch , awhen their Watch bath beene brunt, raft, tponprayer, even from pots to prayer : when they have keP:ehex¡err. Cuppedand given thanks, though they have let their heartsloofe, cate, drunke without feare, fobricty , profaned their mouthes with light unfruitful) fpeech,yet then before partingoffriends, call for a prayer. Butthough they mayafter a feaft goe to prayer, who cateand drinke before the Lord, as Hannah, t Sam. t. after fie had exceeded with a double portion, went and prayed devoutly ; yet you that have let fall your Watch in feafting , you prophane Gods Name when you call fora prayer : and many arefo farre from remembring them - felves all day , that they cannot keepe their eyes open while they are a praying ; they are foaffc&ed, as if it would cafe them into an ague to be kept a while in prayer. This want of watchfulnefl'e is a com- mon evill, and doch us great hurt. This maketh us fueh poore O- rators, that when we cometo God , . wee are barren ofpraife and te- queft, becaufe wee doe not obferve in the day matter for this pur- pofe : this, thoughweknow it not, doch make us complaine offuch mitts, roving thoughts, indifpofition, becaufe wee walke all day long forgetful). Ifone fhould gate codlings , goofe- berries, peafe, would you wonder ifat night bee were _wrung in hisbelly a would yóu not bid him mend his diet ifbee meant to fee it otherwife t fo, when we let our hearts bofe all day, feed upon earthly vanity , how should they beheavenly- mindedon a fudden, when bed-time calleth on us toprayer t .. Let us {titre up our felvesto keepe this watch, that we may fee, and yf 2; walke in the ftrengthof our prayers. Ifone bee to make an orationin Exhortation; the fchooles, he will not venture ex tempere : how muchmore fhould we medic ur on.rhe.osations wee are to make before the Lord a So' ifwefboulddewsfeany thing by mayofpetition, wouldwenot wait how it is received e what is faid to it e would wegive up our petition, and carelefly depart, never thinking on it a how much more fhould wee wait to feewhat will become ofour requefts toGod e Withper fverance. Whcnce!mìt e , that wee mull hold sut in our D. daily caurfe ofprayer. What if Goddelay, wee muff norgive in, but like Jacob , not let God goe till bee giveth ustheblefling ; and like thofe remembrancers ofSion in Efay, give him no reft till he accom- plith our defire. This, our Saviour by two parables caileth us un- to ; one, ofa friend importuning his friend in the night Luke I I. 5, 6, 7, 8. another , of a widow dealing with the unrighteous )Judge, Luke 18. a, 3, 4, 5. This perfeveranee is a thing fo lovely, that therefore God doth delay ; to feehowwee will be inftant, and importunate with him. For hee doth not feemeto reje& prayers, . that he doth not Beare , and grant them : nay, as feed which is the longeft covered , tifeth the firft with molt increafe : fo doe thofe prayers whichGod feemeth to bury in forgetfulnelfe a long time if