The Table. and the beleeving foule, in three i greateRdignity. 4 things. 409 1 DiJordered words will go with difor. we mutt bejoynedtoChrift , before deredaffeâions. 563 we can receivegrace from him. 509: Diver/i/7of judgements amongChri- n:mining ofChrift, threefold. 305 Riant, whence. 458 Condition of the godly bindes them Divell worketh naturali men to his from familiar converting with the i ownepleafure. 206 wicked- 602 I and this, with great efficacy. 207 Confefe thy felfe as bad as the wont. I his power lieth inmans will. zo8 209 the more we give place to any fin, Canfidence toward God,how bred inus. the more power the devil) bath of 38t us. 547 how to be underflood. 384 DoEtrineof the Covenant : mifery to Conformity to the world : unbefeeming be without it. 278 good Chriftians. 514 Doltrineofthe Prophetsand Apofiles Confcience able in Chrift only to plead to be alone beleeved. 318 its righteoufnetfe before Cod, 979 DoEtrine of true Churches is but one. 1 Converfion: we neither conferee to ir, 463. nor can refill it. 261 Dolfrine falle, is windie fa k: three a great change for good is in all con- refemblances. 498 verts, 284 Drunkenneffe afine : confiderations a- Chrifis helpfull giace is prefect, and gainft it, and rulesofpraEtife. 629 may move tocoivert. 6zo f drunken courfes are accompanied Coveteufneffea filth: fin : fourenotes of with all prodigality and filthineflè. it.It is Idolatry is 3.regards.59o,59 r j 630 Courage fpirituall inthree things.7t z thefe cannot Rand with the fpirit of Covenant in the lacand Gofpell dire_ grace. 631 rented. 2 4o Dutie muttnot onely be done, but of Creation twofold. 261 confcience. 641 Creation ateftimay oldie Divinityof doe it asChrift gaveexample. 645 the Father andìonne. 372 we mull heare againand againe of Curtef,ea vertueor Chriftians to thew our duties. 670 forth. 565 E D I Edification rather tobe attended, then Dammage maybe farisfied of them fpeculation. 486 that forgive(fences. 568 I Darknefje ofigarance, Pinne, andmi- fery. 6o/ they that liven the Rate ofdarke- neffe, are nier the Devils power. 729 Daruof Satafiery, why. 795 how quench(by faith. ibid. Death fpiritu.: in all bynature, 202 with grace receivededifieothers,aad how. 510 Eleltiona blelfngworthy ofall thank- fulneffe. 33 how difcerned. begins in Chrill, and fodefcendsco us.. 36 it is ofancient love. 39 it is of free grace. 47 whole courfifnatural) men, a very it ordaines CO meaner, as to the end. death ofttfoule. 203 58 it is a life im. 204 Eleít : only they that have true faith fuch finkehemfelves deeper and and holineffe. 34 deeper in eth. ibid. ; Emptie ofGodwe areby nature. 418 Defeen ofCifi, threefold. 477 EMIywith God is naturali to us. 301 Defire ofkndedge,if true,fhallbring no fmall enmity again) the prallìfe more knoedge. 374 ofgood duties. 71E Dignity : there belong toChrif, the EfloitLgf4hrgtians here is , to be as 3 children,