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The Table. children, and in their minority. 494 yet mull firive togrow men. 496 b'fïate in Chrift muff prevaile with us to leave our old wayes. 5, 3 Pvangelifls who, and their properties. 482 Foil times, whence. 624 muff not make us unfruitfull, but the more diligent. 626 Experiments which God fheweth us oneway orother,to bemarked. 4,4 Eye-feroice flandeth not with upright - neffe of heart. 699 it comes from this,that they feeke not to pleafe God,but man. 701 F Faith not a bare affent, but confident embracing of the thing affentedun- to. 384 we muffchiefely labour for faith.793 affumeth to ones Idle particularly. 663 a part ofourChriflian armour : what it Both forus. 786 Devils prat-fife againfi us in this point. 787 howwe maykeepe our faith. 791 howdifeerne it. 793 Faith occupiedg1and about Chrift. r52 the aft, fubjeól,object ,and properties offaith. 244 it is a leaningon Chrift. 317 as it juflifies, it Iookes only toChrift. 385 Faith and love go ever together. 154 Familiarity with the wicked forbidden: andhow. 598 hurt of ir. 595 Family of God : and duty thereto be- longing. 315 our glory to be taken into Gods fa- mily. 399 priviledgesof it. ibid. Father : who is foaccounted. 681 Favour ofGod free, and moll comfor- table. 241 Fellow - members we are : a motive to concord. 456 Folly inour hearts to bee fill put off : wherein it (hewsit felfe. 62o Forgive offencesone toanother : what. ,567 Gods forgiving us muff move us to forgive others. 569 we mull refemble God in forgiving. ibid. Farwardneffe in good works, neceffary. z68 Fornication and other uncleanneflè di_ Ilinguifhed. 583 of the Church : Chrift, not thePope. 3,3 Fruirfulnefe, the end ofnew creation. 266 wherever the graceof God is , there will be fruits ofgrace. 6o5 what fruits: goodneffe, righteoufneffe, and truth. 6o6 FulneJieofChrittians by Chrift, what, andhow. 198 wee muff lèeke to be filled with the falneffe ofGod. 419.631. G genresofbody, uhenreverent, ex- prefïè affetlions sud flit them up. 395 cautions for bodily;eftures in prayer. 96 glory lawfully affeéld: whar,and how. glory ofGod theend5fall good inten0 - dedto man. 79 and of all benefits wee receive in Chrift. 136 and ofall mercies. 231 glorified in heaven, mu befirfl'fandli- fied here. 656 Gad is a Godof rich tildes. 217 aGod offorgiveneffe, 568 mifery to be without ' d : and who are fo, can and doth worke Iwerfully for the goodofhis. 420 giveth man up to fin, at how. 5zz Geffell: by opening itChi is brought to us, and we to him. ,r21 all brought toChriff arum brought 1 1141 dayes of the Gofpell , a happiefl: dayes. 23o Evangelicalltruths now off cleared. 231 Gofpeil is a wordofpear 3071 yet followed with divifiowhy. 308 antiquityofthe Gofpell. 3181 Gol peli 28r