Baynes - BS2695 B289 1643

The Table. Gofpell brings faith, and fo to hea- ven. 364 it rejeóls not men for what they have beene. 549 Gofpelofpeace,a part ofour armour: andhow. 784 Satans labour tokeepe us from Peek- , ingand holdingpeace ofthe Gofpel 78i wee mull flrengthen our felves with learning the doarine of our peace through Chrift. ib. Grace: the favour ofGod, the greatefl good and to be fir(i fought. 1 r theground ofour falvation. 239 purpofeth good things to us , and worketh them inus- 83 Randswith faith ofthegodly. 242 caving grace worthy in all ages tobe magnified. 23: all is ofgrace, from fill to laft, 242 Grace: the moll: holy have need of grace. 10 the bell hath but his fcantling. 468 every Chriflian hath his feveral grace 467 all is fromChrifi. 469 Chrill the beginner and increafer of grace. S 0 be humbleand thankful for grace,be- ingofgi ft. 468 Grace bell extolled, whileweabafe our felves. 369 Grace ofedeó'tuall calling irrefiftible. 177 growth of believers : they are ever growing.' 326 qualitiesofthis growth. 357 meanes to grow. 417 by the power ofChrifl we have our growth. 331 tobe reel growne ingrace,doth make us hand fall in trials, 417 a duty to grow in grace. so; in every grace. 5 °4 into rioter union wk's Chrifl. 505 growth offaith how difcerned. 788 Guile offpirit cured by foute rules. 779 H Hard feafons in their holy courfe all Chriflians(hall know. 734 Hardeefieofheartdoth caufe blindnefs ofminde, 519 accompaniedwithmany evils, 5,o lignes ofit: and thecure, ib, admits no feeling or griefefor finne. 521 will (lickat no fin. ib. Hare finwith extreame hatred, 584 Headfhip ofChril+ to Believers, what benefit it affordeth. 192 Chrift is an Head,to whomall things are fubjea, 194 refemblancesof Chrili and another head, 507 Headfhip of man over his wife: wherein, 642 yet hemufibe a caving head. ib. Heaven is itwilich affordeth all blef- flogs, 29 a glorious eftate there for us. 657 Hearingofshe word, the beginning of our commingto Cod. 137 . what word it is: onely of the Gofpel. 138 not onely heare, but believe, to re- ceive thrift and his Spirit, I 41 Heart may be falfe,when in our owne fenfe it is very found, 389 thofe that truly receive Chrifi,receive him withthe heart, 410 Heatheni(h it is towalke after our vaine minds. 5,5 HolyGhofi a perfon. 144 confirmeth the Elea till their full re- demption. 150 revealeth the thingsofGod tous 362 means to obiaine hishelpe. 363 worketh in us the power wherewith weare confirmed. 403 how he doth this, 404 we live by one Spirit , a motive to concord. 457 Holinefe begins with putting away corruption. 527 Holineffe and rig`.,teoufneffe,howdi- flinguifhed. 535 Honour due to Parents, what. 681 Hope, a part of our Chriflian armour: what. 796 anhelmet, what firength it yeildeth, 797 the Devill feekes many wayes to disfurnifh us ofthismunition, 798 meanes to firengthen our hope, 799 Chriflians by thegrace ofhope mull fieengçhen themfelves in confliaing.. 1'y?y a da es,