Baynes - BS2695 B289 1643

Thé Table. dayes. Boo Hope in heaven to be more and more knowneofChriftians. 165 no grounded hope, but of things we are called to obtain. 166 mifery to bewithout true hope. 280 by theGofpell we are called to ex- cellent hope. 460 Hopelefee perlons may bce brought home toGod. 283 Hnnsility , and humble walking : our duty. 431 grounds and effedfs of humility. 43 z cautions about humility. 436 motives to it, 44t humility the way to bee filled with grace. 637 duties of it to inferiours. 638 Husbands are to be loving : and how. 643 the love not tobe divided to many. 644 muff love their wife entirely. 66o , not to be 66, 661 666 monflrous and unnatural) kinde. loveas Chrift loveth. love more then aparent. Isfingforbidden : what. 587 Ignorance debarres us fellowfhip with God and his life. 518 Imitate God : and wherein. 574 imitate hits, aschildren : what. 576 Imitate Chrift, and let him before us for an example. 579 fpecially in love. 58o Inconflancy thecaufe of following every newdoffeine. 499 Indwelling ofGod inBeleevers : is by Chrift. 332 three notes of it. 334 Infirmity : not this, but impeniteney drames downe vengeance. 597 Inheritance of heaven abundantly glo- rious. 168 it is only for Saints , or new crea- tures. 169 forfeited by living in fnne. 593 Inner man muff be ftrengthened. 406 Invocation ofSaints difproved. 311 K Keep ont Pinne, as the devill himfelfe. 548 Knowledge ofGods blelling us, makes us blelfe God againe. 2 5 Knowledge ofChris literall and fpiritu- all, differenced. 525 Knowledge of Gods will mull begot- ten, before wecan walkeas children of light. 6o6 feek knowledge, to live accordingly. 627 L Labour of the hand : every man mull employ himfelfeinTome labour.S51 byGods blelfng it is beneficial' co us. 553 Lowe' divine: divers forts ofthem.293 Learningof Clain truly will not !land with worldly converfation. 5 24 Liberality of God in blelfing his chil- dren. 0 Lifeoftñe unregenerate is a courfe, or race in fine. 205 LifeofGod in man : threefold. 517 Life of the elect comes immediately fromgrace. 63 Life ofGod in Beleevers. 22.3 notes ofir. z24 Light ofGod need full for manifefting fpirituall things. 16r more and more to be delired. 164 Light inall ages not alike imparted to the Church. 358 ifl in Chrift we are enlightned, yea light. 6or this light bindes us to work the work ofGod. 603 feemore in 6o8 Light ofholy example or doBrine re- vealeth hidden things. 615 Limbo Patrnm difproved by argu- ments. 116.472 Longfiring to bee !hewed forth in our courfe : what , and on what grounds. 448 Love in all things mitft bee (hewed i forth. 5791 Love will put us forward to edifieo- thers. St Love of Chrift is incomprehenfible. 415 Rands in giving himfelfe a Sacrifice for our fnne. 58o this he did willingly and readily. 582 by his fufferingGod is well pleased with