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The Table. with us. 583 Love and wrath may Eland together. 219 Lulls finfull corrupt foule and body. 53° Lutherans difproved about the exalta- tion ofChrills humane nature, 588 they aredeceitfull, in 3 refpeéts, S31 Lying tobe avoydedofChriff sans. S40 arguments agatnliofficious and fport- full lyes. 541 means tocure a lyingdifpoliitiondbsà. fome things which have femblance of lyes, but are nor, 542 M Ma/iclou(n & is to be fhunned : what and wherein, 564 Marriage, and meetingin it, holy; 666 three points in it confiderable, 669 Mailers duty to their fervants. 704 Matrimony no Sacrament. 668 Meeknefsea grace wherebywe walke worthy ofour high calling: what. 442 effeéts ofir. 443 cautions about meekneffe. 444 grounds ofmeekneffe. 445 Means of falvation hateful] tous by nature.. 177 Gentiles left without fuch means. 279 Mercyfits us for further mercy, 222 Mercies of God In Chril8 are (table, 237 Mereifulnefe: a duty for all : wherein : with motives. 566 Merit ofman excluded from matter of falvation, 249 even inthe ¡unified. z 52 though we be in Chrill. 257 infufficient grounds of merit, laid by Papifis. 25o Mefab revealed by degrees to Gods people, 359 cAtinifleriall gifts , given of grace, make a Minilter. 366 Godspower accompanieth the gift of the Miniffery. ibid. MiniJlers of theGofpell bringgood ti- dings to men. 369 principally muff preach Chri(l Jets. 37a Mwriflers mull prayfor their people, afwell as teach them. 393 mull Life intreaties andgentle perfwa- fions with their people. 430 mull broach no dofirine, but what they canprove by Scripture. 473 mull with proteftation enforce the wayes ofGod. 512 LaIinfiers a gift of Chrill: when given in mercy, 484 how to be knowne: 485 CMíniJlers muff inculcate to them- felves,and fuch as they are to deale with, their callings from God. z mull blefle the faithful] in the Churoh, as in the Name ofGod. 9 mull labour toknow how grace goeth forward in their people. r Sz mull minde their people, what they are by nature. 27r their fufferings doeprofit their people. 348 allured to their hearts , if they know they have a calling of God. 349 mull be feparated, authorized, and allotted to a certainepeople. 350 should not hafiily remove from their firllcharge to another. 352 mullnot give over preaching by any pretences. 364 Mini("era differ in their gifts and qualifications. 366 Miniflerie : benefits Furchafed by Chrill are applyed by the minillery. sob a great favour ofGod, tobe called to theMinifiery. 368 it is the light oftheworld. 37s it is not a common gift to all. 486 it is a laborious calling. 490 Chrill is the end of the Minillerie, and to bring us to Chrift. 491 it is tocontinue to the end. 492 cMiferies of Gods children at fome times verygreat. 185 Mifery ofman commends Godsmer- cy. 221 fo fee thy mifery , as look to Gods mercy. 281 Miferable condition by nature to be ever remembred. 270 Myjlery in 3 regards, the dorineof falvation. 107 a hidden fecrecy in points ofgodli- leffe. 66g YY 3 it