The Table. it is revealed meetly ofGods gracious pleafure. 108 only to Saints. 361 it is an hidden thing to the world : and how. 354 lince Chrill it is more fully opened: 3 wáyes. 360 N NameofGod calledon Believers. 397 Naturecannot comprehend the things ofthe Gofpell. 372 Narurallmens courfe is all vaine. 516 Naturallywe are all in bondage or cap- tivity. 85 we are all alike, good :and bad. 209 weare all Gnfull. 211 full ofdarkr.effe. p6 voyd of the life ofGod. 517 wehate the meaner of falvation. 277 Needy ones to be relieved : who they are. 556 New creation : parts., degrees , and lignes of it. 26o God the author of ir. 265 it hath newworkes. 263 none but a new creature can doe good worker. 265 new creatures, what, andhow put on. 535 how it may get increafeof it. 536 God is the patterne ofthe new crea- ture in us. 537 New man, what. 299 flandeth not in outward things, but inwardgraces. 538 all the gracesof fuch are found. ibid. O Obey, and that with reverence, 697 Obedience muff be in f,ngleneffe and uprightneffe ofheart. 698 mint comewith heart and good will. 702 Oblation and facrifice, how diflingui- (hed. S78 eying ofGodworks filch obedience. ibid. Objellions about profperityofthe wick- ed, and adverfiry of the godly, an- fwered. 685 Offences to bee carefully removed by Minillers , left they hinder the growthof the Gofpell. 3861 Oldman to be pnt off by fuch asare in Chrifl : how. 528 not only the inward corruption, but evill converfation. 529 Omssiprefent : God is, and overlooketh all things. 466 Onenefse ofpeople in Chrifl, what, and how. 290. 298 Orders of Miniflers in the Church: how they differ. 483 Ordinations illimited (of Minillers) re- proved. 351 Ordinary Minillers the gift ofChrift, as well as extraordinary. 487 Ordinances of God hated by natural] men. 292 P Papilts confuted in point of predetli- nation. 63 point ofmerit. 252 in marriageofchildren. 678 in obedience to faperiours. 683 Parents how to be left. 65 mother to bee obeyed, as well as the father. 679 Parents muff no way give unjuft grie- vance to their children. 687 mull loveone child as well as another, 688 foure forts of Parents duty to chil- dren. 689 muff beobeyed in confcience ofGods commandement. 679 it bands with reafón, that they be o- beyed. 680 the way toa long and happy life. 684 Parents [Huff not be content to fee their `, children know, but mull work the good things upon them by admoni - non. C92 and deale with them, as the wifdome ofGod teacheth in his word. ibid. 'Peace, when true, a fingular blaring: whar,wherein,andwhence. 53.287. arifeth of conjunClion with Chrifl. 3001 all true peace is bred in us by the knowledge ofGods love towards us l 16 Chrifl the authorofour peace. 2871 way topeace is to remove hinderan- j ces. 29s f peace to be tenderly regarded. 2971 Chrìft'