The Table. Chrift crucified makes peace for us with God. 3°4 Peace not onelyto beentertained,but (+tidied for. 453 Peaceableaffeâion,anexcellent meane to concord. 454 how to get fuck affection. 4S S People of God gathered and maintai- ned in worst places. 6 People are apt upon trouble ofMini - flers, to forfake them andtheGo- fpell. 388 Perfection of knowledge and graces in heaven. 493 Perfecotion: the feelingof Chrills love cloth embolden us against all per- fecutions. 413 Persecution (Hued again() Minihers, whence. 344 Gods faithfsll fervantsfubjeét ro perfecution. 346 Perjeccrorc of the Gofpell may bee Ines. 488 madeMartyrs for it. 345 I only Gods people are benefited by Power ofGodinBelievers notclearely it. 489 knowne at firh. 17o Preekflination what, and in what acts. how knowne better. 17i 57 itworketh for Believers alone. i6. Predejünáted are alfo called and fan- we muff ufe watchfitlneffe for farthe- ranceofour prayer. 812 we muff hold our in our daily courfe ofprayer. 813 pray for Chri(+iansconverted. r 57 pray inceffandy.. rb. praying,fee in God the things wede- fire. r 6o why Saints onearth joyne in prayer, not in heaven. 310 FrailerofGod: be ready, inconsidera- tionofhis benefits, tobreake forth into them. 20 meanesfotodo. et none can truly praife God, but the godly. 411 praife God only in Chrift. 423 Preaching : in mens preaching Chrift hadapaxand prefence. 306 Chriff a diligent Preacher. 307 preaching ferveth to repaire our tú- itmakes ustobelieve. i 71 what help it yeilds, in what order, and how unrefi flibly. 173 it is the fame that railed up Chrift fromdeath. 184 all our fpirituall flrength is from Gods richglorious power. 4.02 worketh in us to accompli(h our hearts defire. 411 a bleffed elate to ref+ on this power : in five things. 714 Prayer, what. 309 to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoi+. 310 Spiritbringsus before God in prayer. 312 what prayeris andhowufefull a piece ofChriftian armour. Soy the Devill much labours toweaken usin the performance ofthisduty. 8o6 Chriflians muff by this exercife of prayer tlrengthen themfelves. 8d9 dayby day, as we may returneto this duty. 8to theinward manofthe heart mull be ótified. 60,159. Preparationstograce, what,ándwhence 174.470. Prefesceof God with his people: how had, or recovered. 333 howevidenced. 334 Promifer in Chrift are true and faith- full, 139 Promifes legali and evangelical) dilfe- renced. 253 Pfalmes: a mean of increafing in us the Spirit. 633 the heart muff goe with the voice. 635 all our use of them muff bee such as may edifie ns. 633 Papists reproved,and their objeétions answered. 634,635. Furtively disproved. 400 : 1 PurpofeofGod: byit all in timebef lethus. 37 Q. .neftsonrt Whether God foresee man is fallen, chiefely occupied inprayer. 811 before he elect him ? 39 Whether