Whether God in Orel-tilt f beliefe andperfeverance didchufe us to''at -: vation Whether Ach e1!üwaspre- ordained, and will ofGM: 115 Whether we maÿ,in ordinary courfe be infallibly perfwaded of our`fal- vation. 145 Whether it be Anne , to ceafe praying forthis or that, ':- ` 158 Whether thewillofman can refill the effetuall graceof God. 177 Whether a Parent may enforcemarri- age on his child. 'f< ' 677 orcan let the childei, ive. ibid. R!... mf the word profitable: yet e<matched with preaehing.356 Motives todayly-readingofthe word, 357 Reconciliation with God is in and by Ghrift, 301 2led{,mprionby Chrifl,what,andwhere - rte only by the bloodofChrill. 89 it (lands in remiionoffines. 91 it is not full here. 56z Remifion of finnes, what, and from whom. 91 it is ofGods/ahgrace. ."9.8 it is giver °eChrilians only. tor it extepda to all our finnes. t3 ,gPapifls'èonfured in this point. 9,5, wed: all mull be, who are in Cl tit 299 gptove finne in others : andhöw.6, o a meanes to bring men to a ftjsof their finne. -6t 5 7 çfurreEiionofour bodies, granted in Chrift. 226 Refolate in point of religion, we ought to be : means. 497.711 only upon the Arength of God. 7r3 Reverenceof the outward to be fheived in prayer. 394 Rewardofworkes, by favour, not of dept. 250 Righteotsfnefse, a part of Chriflian ar- mour, what. 78o Satans finely to difarme us ofit. 78t howwe may retaine it Arongly. 781 S Saint, we are, who are let into Chrif !Si faúh ; . > 7 f.ÿ8,t,di[it5n ofSaints mull moveus to 4fi holÿ converfatipn. 5151 Sair,tt theohjeEl ofour love. 155 Sainrr.departed cannot heäfttur gray-, .,4rs. A? 376 Sac}amend, chiefe botikis,t>Ftbë it-i ches.union. 27zr aElionofthttn inward and syttvyd,I *73.1 Its o Satan alläults the worthieft fe God. Scandal, to be removed. Scholars of Chriff are knowledge. riptnres meaning , how red. authority bfthem aboi 33 he- t the Church. ro 323. 473 Seale ofGods Spirit,- hierand how. Sealing ofGods Spirit, what it noteth Seafonsfettoaecomplifh all Gods pur- pofed will. s n Securityofrhe wicked, tellingonGod, deegiveth theta.:. 385 Swell,- afgEles yevil! doers. 6s 3 Sep), d tone, another, without CIa all ire. 289 Serriants ndcharged fromGodwith durifu 'ibedience. 694, 696 Servátus fhillid doe the will of God ' 5 . fromhejoule. tot 'todg 'not feeconfcionable fervice unrecompenced. 703 Sin is an unfatiable thing. 5 24 brings no good fruit. 6, o Sin gri'eves the Holy Ghof. 56e it is a grievous finne, fo to doe, ibid. nothingwill coole the heatoffin foo_ ner,then toconfider thehurtfull iffue of ir. 5891 procures all Gods wrath, temporall' and eternall. S96 Aye from Anne, as wee would have, 'lolling to doe with the devill. 73o SittinofGods right hand, what. 181 Sleep ofnature, death, finne. 617', we are allofusdead fleepers. ibid. our duty to awake. 619' Speech corrupt and rotten, what. 557 make confcience of it. 558 ofevill andcurfed fpeaking. 564 fee