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The Table. fee more in 586 prueureth increafe of Gods gracious I Speech ought to mini (ter grace, S ;9 Spirit. 636 (peak in a gracious manner, 560 gçt thankful(hearts inall things,litle, Strangers and forreiners di(linguifhed. 8vill, &c. 637 3 5 3 Theft forbidden : both gro(fe andclofe. A 549 Tbinke fubmiffelyofyour (elves: even the moll excellent men. 367 how this maybe done. 637 Thoughts and prayers come (hors of that Goddoth for us. 422 Time after grace muff not be (pent as before. 513 every part oftime mull be redeemed. 6 thisis aglorious thing. 392.430 hisnderances removed. 6z 5 Support one another : what, andwhere- Traditions reje3ted : grounds for it. 3zo in. 449 Tr.sJ7rionsof Scripture, avouched, 804 Swordofthe Spirit : the wordof God : T ruth muff bee (luck unto, and fol- veryufefull to Chri(lians. 800 Satan would keep us from it : excufes. Sot means to keep the Word. 802 Dolt. All ofus fhould llrengthen our felves bygetting the knowledge of Gods word. 802 ObjeEtions againfl it anfwered. 804 how we ars(bangers, and not Gran-1 gets..,:,,- Stratageutt of Satan, manifold. 758 St '¡h defe ive in the forwardell btí(bans. 407 Su errings for Chrift : be not a(hamed, but rather rejoyce in them. 346 and hoot farre forth this may be. 347 be Madly fuller with faithful( Mi- nifteë's, 388 T Teachers falle : the devil's infljuments, to (educe us t howdefcryed. 499 their fpeciall weapon is wylinelfe and craft. 500 foure forts ofthem, cutting the finews ofdivinethreats. 595 Temple for God : believers are. How, and what ufe. 328 three things in the holineffe of thefe temples. 330 Temporary faith difcovered. 248 Tempters : devill,inflruments, corrup- tions. 727 in thofe things men doe or fpeakof- fen(ively tous, our principali enemy is not man. 728 Temptation : when it comes , wee (hall be tryed in many things. 735 Tbankfxlnefse: fpirituall ble(lings;chiefe motives. 27 be thaukfull for graces bellowed on others. 156 our tongues mutt found the praife of God. 588 meanes to give thanks feelingly. 4. '6' lowed : 3 thus., 502 to followingjoyne fineere love one to another. 503 Truth tobe carefully fpoken, and farte. 542 a motive : wee are fellow-members. 543 called a girdle : 3 refemblances. 936 affaults again(l it, put oft. 737 V Vai/e over our eyes by nature, in. (piri- tuals. 553 F,r, biquityofChri(ls humane naturecon- futed. sQo Vsabelievers taxed, 3 fortsof them, a46 Vnionofbelievers ismoll ftrait. 2g8 Vnion with Chrift is by faith, 4.1s Viity in faith and opinion to beendea- voured for. 451 meanes toattain ir. 452 Vnity inglory, a motive to unity here. 458 Vcity offaith what, andhow. 463 VniryofPopifh Church falle and frivo- lous. 465 Vniver/all'redemption difproved. 646 Vpright hearts : fignesofit. 539 Vprighti,efeofheart muffbe gotten for ftrengrhening us in ourwarfare. 778 Vnregeneratefwayed by a corrupt mind and will. 114 give them felves to finne. 522 and how. 523 full ofevilllu(le, Wal532