The Table. Walking exaaly, aduty : what it is.6zr it is afruit of truewifdome, 6z z Walking in way of Gods commands, the way to thriving. 685 Wavering inholydoélnne 495 threecaufes of it. 496 outgrowit. 497 WeakChrillians mutt got to the glori- ous flrength of God. 4.06 will of God:what he willeth once , he worketh effectually. 114 Wifdome and underllanding diflingui- (hed, and defcribed. r co wifdome, what it is, andBoth. 622. eneanes toget it. 623 they are gills ofGods gracein Chrill. given plentiful -thole, whofe fins he forgiveth. 103 only to them that know theGofpell of falvation. soy ir is wrought in us by the Spirit of Chrifl. 16z it comes onlyby knowing andobey- ing Gods word. 6z8 Wifdeme of God : and how: manifold. 373 fpecially appeareth inhis dealing to- wards his Church. 377 Wives owe fubmiffion: wherein. 639 principally to their owne husbands; 640 mull obey, and in all goodmanner (hew their obedience. 643e mull feare their husbands. 67t Working of God concurres to every thing that comes about, and how.' I ia and it is by counfell, rail Worfhippers outward : in many their courfe is meetlycarnal!. 253 Worldto come, for Chrill and his, to be glorious, 590 Worldscorrupt courfe,a fpeciall incen- tive tofine. 205 Works good : in three conditions. 265 allin Chrill andby power from him. z67 they pleafeGod, and how. 607 howwemay know we delire topleafe God. 608 not partiall caufes of our falvation. 97 YYrath of God is on all by natue. 210 T'Yrefhi"g, and fighting with fpirituall enemies. 722 our courfe here is a continual) con- fill. 735 notes ofwarfare well followed. 726 nor onlywreftle in prefent, but perfe- vere. 735 FINIS.