Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.t6. and the Covenant ofGrace. IZ there is none like him in the earth ? a perfea and an upright man, one that feareth God and efcheweth evill ? Gen. 7.1. Thee have f teen righteous before me in this generation. According to the degree of this, higher or lower they have praife, 2 Chron. 29.34. The Levites were more upright in heart to fandifae themfelves then the Priefts:yea where there is integrity in a finglé at} , this God notes, Tea, I knot that thou did(t this its the integrity of thine heart, Gen.20.6. Thefe God protehs,& with his omnipotence preferves; z Chron. 16.9. The eyes of the Lord runne to and fro throughout tbe whole earth, to thew himfelf s7rong in the behalf of them Who're heart in perfea to*ards him. He is a buckler to them that rvalke uprightly, Prov. 2.7. In thefe God takes pleafure; I know, my God, that thou traeft the reines , and hall pleafure in uprightne ffe, t Chron. 29. 17. Unto thefe God fpeaks peace; Do not my rrords do good to Lim that walketh uprightly ? Mich. 2 7. This the peo- ple of God plead with God as an argument to finde favour in bis eyes , Till. 26. i . lodge me, O Lord, for I have walI- ed in try integrity. i Chron. 29. 17. ells for me, in the upright- ! sse e of my heart I have wil ing y offered thofe things. Pfal. 18. 23. I i zags alto upright before him, &c. This hash been the high am- bition of the fervants ofGod in their molt fad troubles to reach. David begging mercy, faith to God, Behold, thou defireft truth in the inward parts, Pfal. 5 T. 6. This bath upheld the fouls of the Saints in their greateft difficulties, with all joy and confolation, 2 Cor. 1. 12. For our rejo, sing is this, the tef1isnony of our confci- I ence,that in frnplicity and godly fincerity,not With flefhly wifdome, j but by the grace of food we have had our converfation in the world, I Yea, this is a mark of him who is entirely the Lords, profeffedly the Lords, and really his. When the queflion is. put, Who (hall dwell in Gods holy hill, Who (hall abide in his Tabernacle ? an- fwer is returned, He that walks uprightly, and Worleth righteoul: imp, Pfal. 13. 1, 2. And when a like quefiion is put, Ifa. 33. 14. Fr.ho among us ',all dwell With the devouring fire ? Who among fh.tll dwell with everla/ling burnings ? We have the like anfwer returned in the words that follow, He that Walketh righteoufy, and fjeaketh uprightly. And jefus Peeing Aarbanael, faith, john ! 1.47. Behold an Ifraelite indeed, There are many Ifraelites in pro - fefiion, in name: but here was an Ifaelite indeed, avid this is bis charac`fer, in whom there is no guile ; his infide was the fame with + ++ Q.. that