Chap. i,7. and the Covenant of Grace. ><15 that he may anfwer to that which God in Covenant doth re- quire may penile Ball on the Covenant, chap. 1 t. and Doctor Prefizon, CHAP. XVII. The necef fity of a Miniftery, to bring men into Covenant with God, andto bring them up to the termes of the Covenant. Rom hence feveral Corollaries may be drawn., and Inferences made. i. Of the neceffìty of a Miniftery, a conftant ftanding Miniftery, as to bring men into Covenant with God, fo to bring them alfo up to the termes of the Covenant, to a lively faving faith, and fincere obedience ; God works not man into Cove- nant by immediate voice , neither doth he ufe the Miniftery of Angels in his ordinary way of working of it. But when he would take in the Nations of the world into Covenant with himfelf, he fent out his Minifters for that work, giving them a Commiflion with gifts and abilities fuitable to di/ciple all Nations, Mouth. 28.19. Where a Miniftery comes not, there that people remaine out of Covenant, in the Rate of the Ephefians before their call, as it is fet out by the Apoftle, Ephef. 2.12. At that time ye were without Chrifl, being aliens from tie Common -wealth of Ifrael and firangers from the Covenants of promife, having no hope, and without God in the world. And where the Gofpel-Cove- nant is tendered, and not received, there that people continue out of Covenant, rejetling the councel of God againfa; themfelves, Luke 7.3o. and rendering themfelves unworthy of everlafl ing life, As 13.46. This was the cafe of the people of cflthens, there Taut preacht, yet there he fetled (for ought we reade, no Church of beleevers, though he had there force particular Converts, Di- onyfitts the Areopagite, and a woman named Damarm, With others, Ads 17.34. Where the word was delivered, and there received, there was a people in Covenant with God, as at Ephefus, Corinth, Philippi, ?he ffalonica, &c. Thofe Minifters had the honour of planting, of laying the firft foundation, others bui ding on their foundation, of preaching where Chrii before had not been named, Rom.15.2o. Q2 A people Where .a Mi- niflery is not, there is no Co- venant- people, Where theGo fpel is tendered and refitted and renewed, there is no Covenant. WheretheGo. frel is tendered, there is a peo- ple in Cove, naht: